Chapter Ten

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When my damaged voice finally gives out and I can no longer sing, I sit up and begin to piece myself together again

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When my damaged voice finally gives out and I can no longer sing, I sit up and begin to piece myself together again.

I think I am going to try out this exercise where you remind yourself of what you know is true starting with the easy stuff. A concerned doctor from a distant branch gave me a list of questions a while ago. I might as well try it out.

I pull the crumpled paper out of the bottom drawer at my desk.

First, it asks your name.

My name is Sang Sorenson, most likely.

Then your age.

I am pretty sure that I am nineteen years old. Maybe eighteen.

Next is favorite color.

Well, Mother says my favorite color is pink so I guess my favorite color is pink.

Then your surroundings. Where do you go to school? What do you do after school? That junk.

Let's see. I don't go to school. I get tutored. I never leave this castle/tower. After school, I exercise. On occasion, I fight warriors from various mafia branches in a ring. Is that the correct answer?

Next easy question. Describe your appearance.

Hmm... I have white hair that looks blonde or pinkish depending on the lighting, also known as chameleon hair. My hair reached my ankles. I am tall and muscular for a female. My eyes are a vivid green. My pale skin is disfigured by two scars on my face that Mother gave me.

Name your favorite animal.

Yet another hard one... I like watching the roosters attack each other in the cockfights, but the rats are super nice and super cool as well. I'll just list them in my mind as a tie for first place. There are other animals that I love, but most of them I have not seen in real life.

Name your three best friends.

Oh, I guess these are the hard questions now. Well, Karen doesn't always hate me, so I guess that's one. Rocky seems nice, strange, but nice enough. He can be my second best friend. Trey is probably my best friend here, so there is three. Trey can be a little socially awkward, but there is nothing really wrong with him. Wait! How could I forget about Kayli? She probably takes Karen's spot.

I smile.

It feels great to have three best friends.

That weird doctor was right, this exercise is helpful!

Happily, I bounce to the kitchen and get my prison toast, making sure that Alun is cooking for the boys.

Nodding with satisfaction I take my toast up to my room and eat it carefully so I don't make a mess. Not that the rock-hard bread produces many crumbs.

This arrangement, this deal, between me and Alun does kinda suck for me, but it doesn't matter because it benefits fourteen other people. Just because they are my prisoners doesn't mean that they are not people too. I mean, I am still seriously considering killing them or using them for experiments, but those are things that you do to normal people as well.

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