Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Scalpel," Wil orders, holding out his hand and making a "gimme" motion.


"Bone saw."

"Barf bag."

"Barf bag?!" Sean echoes incredulously.

Wil defends, "What?! We can't all have iron stomachs! That is a shit ton of blood!"

I groan, their voices making my headache worse. I think that they are operating on me. Well, it's either on me or the unicorn. The light above me drowns out most of my vision and makes me wants to close my eyes and cringe away, but I am strapped down to the operating table in Wil's laboratory.

Screwing my eyes closed tight, I shove back the memories. I hate these straps. I hate being tied down. I hate being restrained.

"Little Girl, quit screaming," He cooed. "Just play the game. Here, I'll even help you get your clothes off."

And I am screaming again, filled with terror, just like I was then.

"Shut up!" He roars. "Why can't you just go back to that perfect little doll?!"

"Why is she screaming?" Sean exclaims, panicked.

"My little girl..."

"Oh, she just hates the restraints," Wil explains, waving him off.

"If you do it really well today, I'll let you eat something, little girl."

Sean yells, "Restraints don't make someone scream like that!"

"I knew that you were more than just a doll."

"Shit, this is a ton of shrapnel," Wil mutters, despite already knowing exactly how much was in me.

I don't know why they are still talking. I am no longer screaming. I am enjoying listening to this lovely scream. The poor person who is screaming must be in a delicious agony.

"And I'm so happy

'Cause aren't all the pretty girls happy?"

I'm so happy.

My lips curl up into a perfect smile. My eyes are vacant just like the doll that I am supposed to be. I sit up and walk away.

I exit the room and go past the security to the roof of the building.

Why should I go to all this effort for a simple escape?

Walking to the edge of the tower's roof, I stop at the very edge, my toes hanging off the building. I spread my arms wide and tip my head back to the sun. The sun, what a novel thing. Trapped inside without much sun, I rarely see the sky like this.

And, slowly, I feel myself lean forward until I am falling.







Oh, good. She's finally fallen asleep. The agonized screams... I couldn't handle them. I can't handle knowing how tortured she is feeling. I feel terrible, guilty, for making her feel this way. Sang should never have to feel that way. What happened to the poor bird that made her so scared of restraints? I can hardly bear the thought. I can't imagine the horrors that this girl has faced.

What could make someone scream like that? I don't want to know/

I examine what Wil is doing. Truly, he is a genius, but he is so... unprofessional. It makes him seem like an idiot that doesn't know what he is doing.

Is this what Owen thinks of me?!

Shaking my head slightly, I focus on what Wil is doing, making sure that he doesn't kill Sang. I study his hands, every movement that he makes, hoping that he doesn't mess up. A mistake could result in the death of Sang. The death of the future Mrs. Green.



Blearily, I sit up, noting with pleasant surprise that my restraints are no longer there. There are a few bandages where I am assuming the tracking devices were removed.

"Meanie!" Gabriel yells.

"Numbers, it is so nice to see you awake," Kota sighs, wrapping his arms around me gently and slightly stiffly.

His sweet and spice scent envelops me, growing stronger and showing me that they did, in fact, have the time to take a shower.

"Good, he stopped stuttering," Raven mutters in Russian, although he is sulking slightly.

I smile at Raven and reply, "Don't worry, I already accepted your fruit cup, remember?"

Raven grins widely, sitting up and adopting a smug look.

"Now, Sean, did my surgery go over well? Am I going to die?"

"Everything went smoothly," Sean assures. "You are perfectly fine, Dr.Sean. However, I do not recommend moving around much."

"Can't be helped," I say with a shrug.

"Luckily for you," Wil informs me. "Your mother was totally passed out last night and this morning. She is still asleep."

I nod and give him a thankful smile. Wil has always understood my situation with Mother. I never had to explain or complain, he just knows.

Groaning slightly, I sit up and wave off the boys when they try to help me.

"I'm heading to my room. I'll come down when I can," I announce as I exit the room, not giving them the chance to argue.

I slowly make my way to my room, desperately praying that McCoy does not catch me like this. I would be easy prey for him.

Opening my door, I slip into a long and flowing pink dress that covers all the bandages and a pair of delicate, white slippers with little diamonds sewn onto them. I place a thin diamond necklace on and a diamond ring before making sure that my medusa piercing is clean.

Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds...

I love them so much.

A beautiful thing created out of pressure. Sharp and strong, diamonds are more than just decoration. I am a diamond.

I am Pink Diamond.

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