Chapter Twenty Three

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Great news! I got my device back so expect at least one update every day! 

Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!


I slip into my bedroom after training and sit on my bed, looking out the window at the planes and thinking

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I slip into my bedroom after training and sit on my bed, looking out the window at the planes and thinking. The fourteen boys are my pets. Pets don't stay in their cages, do they? But how could I trust the boys not to screw up and get themselves killed? They don't know anything about living in the mafia. Plus, where would they sleep if they aren't staying in their cells?

What if they stayed in my room? No, that wouldn't work. Mother would come in and smell them and freak out...

What if they stayed in spare rooms? No, those are reserved for members of the family...

What if they stayed in the library? That... Would actually work. It has enough space, people rarely go there, and I'm sure Trey wouldn't mind. After all, he is the one who gave me advice about them.

I quickly stand up. Not bothering to change, I hurry down to the dungeon where the boys immediately jump up to see me.

"Hello, all of you. Other boring greeting stuff, blah, blah, blah," I announce quickly in a tone that is both bored and excited. "Now, who wants to get out of here?"

"What? We're going back home?!"

"I can see my family?!"

"You're letting us go?!"

"What are you fucking wearing?!"

"Are we all escaping?!"

"Will you go with us?!"

"Why aren't you wearing a dress?! Not that I am complaining..."

"Be quiet all of you!" I boom. "No one is leaving the towers. I am letting you all leave your cells, but you must be careful. You are my pets. Knowing that is important because it is the only way that I can bring you out of here. You will be staying in the library. I'm sorry that it is not an actual living space, but it is much better than your cells. Meals will stay the same, but they will be taken in the kitchen. Do not speak to anyone unless spoken to first and a response is absolutely necessary. Do not piss anyone up. Is that clear?"

"Very. Thank you, Sang, for trusting us enough to let us out of our cells," Axel calls as the others begin to nod and grunt out agreements.

I smile at him, glad that he understands.

"Sang, is this safe for you?" North asks with clear concern.

I shrug.

"I'm never really safe," I answer honestly. "This won't change much."

"That... That is not very reassuring," Victor worriedly inserts.

I wave him off and begin to open their cells as they talk excitedly to each other. North immediately rushes to Luke yelling, "And now that we aren't locked up, you are grounded! No more sugar for the rest of your life!"

"Excuse me?" I say with a raised eyebrow. "How my pet is fed is up to me, not another pet."

North opens his mouth and closes it and opens it and closes it.

Luke yells, "Yes! Best owner ever!"

I turn to Luke and clarify, "I never said that I wouldn't make you eat fruit."

Luke looks at me aghast.

"I thought you understood me..."

I laugh and call, "Follow me, boys. I'll take you to the library now. And remember what I said."

Carefully, I go completely vacant and walk out of the room in perfectly even and graceful steps like that of a doll. The boys follow silently with guarded expressions.

People stare like they always do, but I pay no attention to them. Until him, that is.

"Sang," He greets me, his brown eyes raking up and down my body, taking in my workout clothes—a sports bra and leggings. He purposely positioned himself directly in front of me so that I could not casually pass him. To go around him would be disrespectful—a punishable offense. I feel the boys stiffen behind me for some reason, but I ignore them as well.

I spit, "Damianus."

McCoy glares at me for the use of his first name. He has twelve people with him this time. I am not nervous in the slightest, though. Now, I could take on all thirteen of them and win. I have gotten much stronger and became a much better fighter since the month that he took me. He thought he broke me. He only added fuel to my fire. Plus, I have fourteen men behind me who could do a bit of damage as well.

"What do you want?" I ask in a bored tone.

McCoy looks at me with intense eyes and replies, "Who are they?"

"My pets. Got a problem with it?" I challenge, leaning forward slightly on the balls of my feet, ready for a fight.

Studying me, McCoy answers, "Keep them out of my way and in their place."

McCoy takes a moment to glare at them and I take the opportunity to pass him and his dutiful followers and continue on to the library.

I fling the door open and walk into the library for the second time today. Leading them to the far corner, I flop down on a couch and motion for them to sit down as well.

"Now, people rarely come down to the library, but they do on occasion. I get my lessons here and people may drop by since they saw us enter," I announce, warning them that they won't be completely undisturbed.

They all follow my lead and take a seat, surrounding me. The gesture is oddly comforting.

"Who was Damian-ass back there?" Gabriel blurts bluntly, breaking the silence.

I snort, "That was Damianus McCoy, resident sociopath and prominent leader in the mafia world."

"Sociopath?! Damianus McCoy?!" North cries. "This isn't safe! We have to get you out of here, Sang!"

I glare at him.

"I love living here and would never want to leave my cage," I hiss with a pointed look toward the cameras. "Now, I have a bit of an idea. I will need a few minutes, I'll be back soon. Feel free to look through the books and make yourselves comfortable."

Giving them a small smile, I listen as their goodbyes overlap each other making a beautiful music.

The music of people who care about you.

Let's just hope their care is genuine and not a ploy to make breaking out easier.

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