Chapter Thirty Three

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I wrote this chapter because I found seven more hidden readers! *pauses to squeal* Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Enjoy ~ JadeQueen100

I grit my teeth and will Marc to stop asking me questions

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I grit my teeth and will Marc to stop asking me questions. I know that he is thinking I have a problem with eating. That definitely isn't the case. I understand that it is a real problem for some people, but it isn't a problem for me. No, my problem is that I am not allowed to eat.

Thankfully, Marc drops the topic and I hope that it is the end of it.

"Come on back to the library," I instruct.

"Dr. Sean, can I hold your hand again?" Sean asks. Hope and mischief dance in his grass green eyes.

"Nope," I answer.

Sean balks as the others look somewhat... relieved? Happy? Maybe I am just bad at reading facial expressions.

"Why not?"

I look pointedly at his hands.

"Your hands are covered in syrup. Don't be gross."

Sean mutters something under his breath that sounds oddly like a string of curses.

Dutifully, the fourteen come back with me to the library. On purpose, I take the scenic route so that they do not figure out the layout of the tower easily. Although, it seems as if Kota is beginning to figure it out anyway.

"Kota," I call to him.

He is at the back of the group, carefully studying everything that we pass. Hopefully, if I talk to him for long enough, he will be distracted by the conversation, too distracted to pay close attention.

Kota freezes and stumbles somewhat as we walk.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes-s-s, S-S-San-ng-g?" Kota stammers, stretching his words out for an incredible amount of time as a deep blush stretches out on his cheeks.

"Come here," I direct.

Kota quickly catches up so he is walking beside me.

"Is there something you would like to do today?" I ask him.


"Yes, you," I reply with a smile.

Kota's blush increases, somehow, and he responds, "I-I-I d-don't-t kn-know."

"Come on," I urge. "There must be something you would like to do. It can be just us or all of us as a group."

This causes him to turn a shade of purple and his brothers to glare at him. They really are a strange group of people.

"U-Umm-m... W-We c-could-d w-watch-ch a-a-a-a mov-vie?" Kota suggests nervously.

"I'm sorry," I tell him. "We don't have any movies. Any more ideas, Ten?"

"T-T-Ten?" Kota stutters.

I lean in and whisper, "Because I already gave Raven the name Kitten, I had to shorten it to Ten. Plus, I know how much you love numbers. Is that okay, or should I choose a better one?"

"I-I-I-I th-th—"

Before Kota could finish, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"Kota!" I exclaim, immediately stopping.

I drop to my knees and lean over him as his eyes flutter open.

Sean runs over as Kota's green eyes land on me and widen.

"Are you okay, Ten?" I ask, the name having stuck.


Sean cuts him off saying, "Sang, I need you to leave us for a minute. Please."

I nod, seeing that Sean is serious.

I drop back and watch as Sean and Kota talk. Remarkably, the blush disappears from his cheeks, despite the fact that he is talking with someone. Hopefully, the blush isn't because he is flushed with anger every time he sees me. I definitely don't want him to be that mad at me all the time.

Sean helps Kota up and yells, "Let's go, slowpokes!"

I nod and take us to the library, which is just around the corner.

In a bored tone, I announce, "Here we are, everyone in."



Stupid Kota. Stupid Sean. Stupid people stealing Sang. There is a fine line between sharing and stealing. That line is seriously being blurred right now.

I watch as Sang looks at Kota with concern. Kota blushes and looks away quickly.

Gritting my teeth, I call, "Bear, come and sit next to me!"

With a shrug, Sang comes and sits down next to me.

"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" I ask her, hoping that I can teach her how.

That would work, me wrapping my arms around her and helping her hold the gun. Fixing her stance as she shoots.

"Have you ever heard of the name Pink Diamond?" Sang asks out of the blue, switching to English so everyone can understand.

"I believe we all have," Owen answers, though it isn't quite true.

There is no 'believe' about it. We all know the name Pink Diamond. In fact, I have probably had a crush on her since I knew about her. I knew from the second I heard of her fighting skills, her beauty, her fearlessness, and her prowess, that I would give her a fruit cup the second that I saw her. But now that I have met Sang...

"I'm Pink Diamond," Sang announces bluntly.


My thoughts are racing... I shake my head to get it out of the gutter and yell in the same language I think in, "I'm getting you a fruit cup! Right this second!! And I will not take no for answer!"

"You mean you don't care that I have killed people in the ring?" Sang asks, also in Russian, shock painted on her delicate features, the most beautiful masterpiece throughout history.

I snort, "Bear, do you honestly think that I care? That I haven't killed anyone? I am a professional Russian, after all. And the others won't mind either, they don't mind me even though they know that I have killed."

I actually like calling her Bear. It is kind of like claiming her, the same way that I claim the bear on my back. Like her name is on tattooed on me and covering my back. Maybe I could convince her to get a tattoo of a kitten...

Sang hesitantly asks, "Can I trust you all?"

All of our voices flood together, overlapping and creating a chorus of affirmatives.

Sang smiles, another rare real smile. I swear, that diamond in her tooth...

"I need to get a minimum of three hours of training in every day," Sang says as if it isn't an alarming amount. "Would you all like to join me? Who knows, it could be useful in one of our games."

Even I understood what she was talking about. Lightning fast, we exchanged thoughts with our eyes.

Axel, speaking for us, agreed, "We'd be honored to join you, Rapunzel."

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