Chapter Twenty Four

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Slipping out of the library, I feel somewhat bad for leaving the fourteen boys so soon, but it can't really be helped

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Slipping out of the library, I feel somewhat bad for leaving the fourteen boys so soon, but it can't really be helped. I need to change out of the clothes I am wearing and into something Mother would approve of and then I need to grab my laptop.

I quickly change into a dusty pink dress with a high neckline and a skirt that falls to my knees. I put on an incredible—and somewhat extravagant—diamond necklace before slipping on a pair of ankle boots that cover up the bandages from my tattoo. I would much rather go barefoot, but that would be improper. Not to mention, it would also reveal the bandages which would only raise questions.

Grabbing my laptop, I carefully walk back to where the boys are.

Thankfully, people only stare as I head back, they don't approach me or address me in any way.

Back in the library, Kota and Corey are looking for books and creating stacks in their arms. Axel and Brandon are reading quietly. Victor is eyeing the piano in the corner of the room. The others are talking softly and Owen watched all of them with his molten steel eyes that take in everything.

Walking silently over to Corey, I wait until I am right next to him and ask, "Corey, you mentioned you were good with computers? I have a program that I am working on, as I mentioned. I wouldn't mind a fresh set of eyes if you don't mind looking it over?"

Corey jumps, but waits until I am done talking before saying, "Of course! I would love to! But how are you able to walk so quietly? I didn't hear you at all."

I merely shrug.

"Come with me to a table and we can figure this out together," I decide.

Corey beams and we head to the table, passing Kota who stutters out, "O-Oh! Hi-i, S-Sang-g-g!"

I smile at him and return his hello without slowing down and sit down at the table.

"Here..." I start and we dive into the world of coding.


I set my book down on my lap and watch the two of them. Sang tips her head back and laughs at something my blushing brother said.

I should be jealous of the attention, of the fact that he is the one to earn the rare and musical laughter, but I am not. Oddly enough, it doesn't bother me at all. But that doesn't mean that I am not interested in Sang. I am. I am very much interested in her. And that is putting it in a nice way.

Instead, I am content watching the two of them, and it seems as if I am not the only one. Several of my brothers keeping stealing glances at the two of them, more than a few of them wistful and longing.

Mr.Blackbourne states quietly, "Don't fall too hard, boys. She is still our captor and we are all stuck here. For anything to work out between any of us, we need to first get out of here and get to safety."

I have to strain my ears to hear, but the message is loud and clear to me and the others who are nearby.

This is no place for romantics, that will have to wait. Our escape is much more important.

A part of me questions that, but I know that it is true.

As much as I want to hold Sang, claim her, and show her that I am not her pet, I know that now is not the time.

Sang may have lived here her whole life, but that was before us.

And we are breaking her out of here.


"Thank you so much for your help, Code," I tell Corey who I have nicknamed Code.

Something about the gentle and kind boy makes me feel at ease, makes me feel better, happier.

Corey waves me off saying, "Please, Virus, you would've figured it out. You weren't far off at all. You really did just need another pair of eyes."

I grin and close the laptop, not bothering to put it away.

"I'm going to go see what's going on now," I tell Corey so he doesn't feel like I am abandoning him.

"Of course," Corey replies with a blinding smile that makes me feel oddly giddy.

I walk over to the group of boys and sit down on the couch next to Kota who is reading a thick book and ask, "So, is there anything that you guys want to do?"

"Truth or dare!" Gabriel all but shouts.

"Be quiet!" Kota hisses at Gabriel. "You are in a library."

I gape at Kota.

"Did you just... Not stutter?"

Kota turns bright, crayon red, looks at me as if just noticing me, and stammers, "S-Sorr-ry, S-San-ng, I-I just-t got-t los-st-t in-n m-my b-book-k-k, I g-guess-s-s-s."

"Kota, don't apologize for stuttering or for not stuttering. I like you for more than just your words," I say firmly, looking into his leaf green eyes. Eyes that are made even more vivid green by the red blush covering his entire face.


I smile and kiss his forehead, an appropriate gesture for pets, I believe. It caused Kota's red blush to turn purple. I shrug. Maybe he doesn't want me to. Oh, well.

I turn back to Gabriel who has a look of hurt on his face, but it quickly disappears from sight. I saw it, though. I don't know why it was there. Yet. They seem to have some sort of mission of their own; however, mine is more important. Mine is to make sure that look is never on Gabriel's face again.

"So... Truth or dare? Are we gonna play it?" Gabriel asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

The boys around us groan loudly, even Kota, something that surprises me. Wasn't he just complaining about being loud in the library?

I furrow my own eyebrows and say the words the I will (hopefully) live to regret.

"What's truth or dare?"

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