Chapter Thirty Eight

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*squeals* We are so close to the ending!! There are only around five chapters left!

I listened to this song so much writing this chapter...

In between chapters, be sure to check out my other works! (If you haven't already!) These include Sang Insane, Ghost Bird, Harsh, and Winter's Warrior which is co-written with 9CorazonesOcultos.

In between chapters, be sure to check out my other works! (If you haven't already!) These include Sang Insane, Ghost Bird, Harsh, and Winter's Warrior which is co-written with 9CorazonesOcultos

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Chest heaving, I stare stonily out at the crowd. My eyes are unfeeling and unseeing, but I am not wearing another false smile. The large room is silent, an impressive feat given how many people are packed in there.

I suppose I didn't follow Sean's instructions to move as little as possible. Not that I had much of a choice. This match has been planned for months.

"Th-The w-winner-r is-s P-Pink Diamond-d," The announcer stutters, gawking at me the way the others do.

If I growled, he'd probably wet himself, he is so terrified. I allow the corners of my mouth to curl up in a feral smile. Madness is the glory of life. The insanity bubbles up in me and bursts out and I laugh hysterically to the growing horror of the crowd. My laughter fills the room, conquering the silence.

I kick the corpse lying on the mat with my gem encrusted high heel. My once white dress is splattered in blood, creating a beautiful and tragic abstract painting. My hair is perfectly in place in a tight braid that trails down and reaches the floor. I am dripping with diamonds, the love of my life.

Who needs people when you have diamonds?

I guess you can say that I have gone to my happy place. You see, madness is not a state of mind. Madness is a place...

Striding off the mat, I laugh the whole way to the locker room. I sweep my hands out as I make my way through the crowd, flicking them with the blood that is dripping from my hands. They flinch away and the silence is broken by a scared woman sobbing as the blood hits her. Seriously? A mafia member sobbing? What a shame.

"La la la la la la la la..."

I'm so mad... So absolutely mad. And I love it.

"Hello, all!" I shout to the crowd before I exit. "I would just like to remind you all that I am always available! Blood, gore, and guts galore! Just remember the name, Pink Diamond!"

With that, I draw my gun, Beauty, from a hidden spot in my dress with one fluid motion that is faster than light. It is a beautiful black nine-millimeter pistol that holds eighteen bullets in the clip.

Pointing the gun, I fire off the first five bullets in the air. My laughter increases as the shrieks start up. Silly people, you aren't supposed to scream or be terrified at a party!

With the firearm carefully held in both hands, I shoot the eight loudest screamers. I have ears too, you know! Ears that feel like they are being killed by this gun...

I shrug.

Beauty is pain.

I point Beauty at my Father and fire off all the remaining bullets at him and Mother. I hate the two.

Laughing, I watch as they hit the ground.



My stomach clenches as I push my way past the screaming people who are stampeding, trying to escape. My brothers are trying—unsuccessfully—to push through. Somehow, I am the only one able to shove and squeeze their way through the horde of hysterical people. I have to make sure that Sang is safe, especially since it hasn't been too long after her surgery. Loud gunshots can be heard and the person on the mat is... butchered. Pushing back the urge to vomit, I push through to find Sang. And then I hear her.

Her maniacal laughter. She is shooting a select few people, seemingly at random.

What the hell happened to my beautiful bird?!

She is a picture of madness. Blood drips from her hands and decorates her dress. She is laughing and laughing and laughing as she kills. I watch as she turns and shoots her parents, hitting them both and sending them crashing to the ground.

Despite my hatred of people being killed, I can't help but feel glad. It's about time she killed them.

"Sang!" I yell over the crowd.

She turns and sees me, her bright green eyes are wild and brighter than I have ever seen before.

"Oh, hello, Pookie," She purrs. "Have you come to join the party?"

"No!" I exclaim, pushing back the stirring emotions that rise at the look on her face. "We need to get out of here before you get killed!"

"Me?" She echoes incredulously. "Get killed?"


"Darling, they can't kill me," She informs me with a laugh. "Diamonds can't be killed."

"Sang! We need to get out of here!" I urge.

"Why?!" She yells, growing exasperated. "I'm having fun! Why won't anyone ever let me have fun?!"

"You're scaring me," I admit quietly.

Now the room is nearly empty and I am close enough that I no longer have to shout to be heard.

Where the hell are my brothers?!

"Scaring you?" She repeats and I can see the wheels turning in her head.

"Yes, please stop," I ask her.

This blood, this death, it is too much... I can't handle it. The more people that Sang kills, the more trouble she will be in. They will never let her go, I fear, but perhaps she will get a lighter punishment.

Sang shrugs and her black pistol seems to vanish as she remarks, "I was out of ammo anyway."

I sigh with relief and grab her wrist, flinching as my hand meets hot blood.

"You aren't injured anywhere, are you?" I ask worriedly.

"No, why would I be injured?" She answers with a question, giving me a look like I am the crazy one.

I shake my head.

"Let's go," I direct.

Looks like we will have to make our escape sooner than we thought.

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