Chapter Thirty Four

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Just a short update before I disappear!

Enjoy, vote, and comment! JadeQueen100

I am leading the boys down to the training center, taking another winding and circling path

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I am leading the boys down to the training center, taking another winding and circling path. True, it would be useful for them to know the layout of the tower when it comes time to escape, but it is too risky for them to be around on their own, especially now that McCoy knows that they are free. Damianus McCoy is to be avoided at all costs. I am almost positive that he is a genuine sociopath. The fourteen boys make easy targets for him and his men to gang up on and pick them off one by one. I'd seen it happen before. It happened with Kayli.

As I lead them, I can't help but feel grateful that the boys agreed to train with me. Training with Jacob is hard and certainly not fun. The boys may seem innocent, but I have definitely seen their muscles and agile movements. I am confident that they will keep up well.

Pushing open the door to the training room, I yell, "Jacob! Are you in here?"

"At the range!" He calls back.

"Locker room is over there," I direct them. "You should be able to find some spare clothes that will fit you on the table in there."

I make sure that they know where they are going and slip into the female locker room to change into a workout outfit I left in my locker. Quickly, I change into a pair of joggers and a tank top and slip on some running shoes. Exiting the locker room, I wait for the boys who come out all at once, all wearing identical black shorts and white t-shirts along with black running shoes. I am glad that they all managed to get the right sizes, but I am not surprised. In each locker room, they have a wide variety of supplies because we often have people visit from other mafia branches.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask them.

"Yup," Luke affirms.

Raven adds, "I am always ready for to game."

"Train," Corey corrects on instinct.

Raven shrugs and corrects, "Same."

"Jacob!" I call. "Got time for a few extras?"

Jacob dashes into the room.

"More pris-people to train?!" He exclaims excitedly.

"Of course," I agree with a smile.

Jacob looks them up and down and mutters, "Not bad, nothing on mein Meisterstück, but they will do. Could work on a little..."

"Are we gonna stand here like lumps on a log, or are we going to train?" Nathan asks boldly.

Jacob's lips curl upward into a feral smile. A smile that I find myself instinctively mimicking, so in love with madness of any kind.

"Oh, we will train," He promises. "Now, to the treadmills! The middle setting forty five minutes! Go, go, go!"

I jog to the treadmills and select the same one as always. The boys follow my example and soon we are all running.

"Alright! Everybody off and stretch! Now that your warm up is over, you can get started!"

"That was the warm up?!" Sean exclaims as he collapses on a bench.

Gabriel, jumping up from the bench, yells, "Warm ups don't take that fucking long!"

"They do when you are in here for four hours!" Jacob sings.

Running a hand through his jet black hair, Axel says, "Well, I suppose we should be grateful that it was only at middle speed."

The boys may be complaining, but I can clearly see that they are fine. A little sweaty and red-faced, but this is nothing. They are certainly not out of shape, no matter how much they whine. They can handle the training.

Soon, we are lifting weights and using various machines. I am sweating lightly and beginning to ache from the constant exercise. The fourteen of them or only a little bit worse, but from their complaining, you'd think their being killed. Slowly. And horribly. At an unsanitary torture chamber in the dark age.

"WHEN WILL WE FINALLY DIE?!" Marc moans, shakily lifting his weights again.

Luke yells back, "No! Stop giving him ideas!"

"WAIT! You mean we aren't dead?" Silas rumbles, although he is still doing well on the bench press.

The boys are all performing well. Probably because of fear. Jacob, well... He likes to yell. And threaten. And fight. And inflict pain.

Owen is on the salmon ladder. Shirtless. Definitely distracting me as I watch his muscles as they ripple across his back and Owen works up a sweat.

Pushing back a sigh, I turn my focus to the weights as Jacob adds another twenty pounds.

"You get another twenty pounds and you get another twenty pounds! You all get another twenty pounds!" Jacob calls out giddily.

"Why do you hate us?!" Raven roars.

"I don't hate you!" Jacob chirps. "I love you all!"

"Crazy man says what?" Brandon mumbles.

"Well, I love the pain that I am allowed to bring you!" Jacob clarifies.

"And there it is," Corey mutters.

"FIGHT TIME!!" Jacob roars with a glittering smile.

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