Chapter Thirty Two

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"Oh, dear," Wil murmurs. "How strange."

I hold as still as possible.

"Is that supposed to be there?"


That last one is the final straw.

"OOPS?!" I repeat, sitting up to look him in the eye. "What the hell do you mean 'Oops?!'"

"Well, you see," Wil hedges.

"Spit it out, alphabet boy!"

Wil rolls his eyes and replies, "You know how I can get distracted at times?"


Now I'm a little scared...

"And how i can get a little caught up?"

"Uh huh..."

"And flustered?"

"I really wish I went to someone else..."

"Shut up. My point is, there is now only one way to effectively remove the tracking devices," Wil says. "Through surgery."

"Oh. Why didn't you just say that in the first place then?" I huff.

Honestly, I had expected him to have to cut them out in the first place.

"And one of them is near your heart," Wil adds.


"Exactly," Wil sighs. "I'm somewhat sorry."

I nod, accepting his apology, knowing that it is the best I'll get.

"When will you perform the surgery?" I ask.

"You mean you would trust me?" Wil says, shock evident in his cold brown eyes.

"Eh. Who else would I trust? I've known you my whole life, Wil. You're like a brother to me," I tell him before adding, "I would like to have someone assist you, though."


"Sean, the blond and green eyed one."

Wil hesitates before agreeing, "Sure. We need to get it done as soon as possible. If I were you, I'd break the news to them now before they get anymore restless and break down the door."

I roll my eyes, knowing that they don't care me about me that much. Regardless, I head out to see them anyway.

"Thank goodness!" Sean exclaims.

North booms, "I was about to break the door down!"

"You scared us, Meanie!" Gabriel yelled.

"Especially when we heard the 'Oops' shout!" Marc adds.

They-They care?

Putting aside my rising emotions, I announce, "Wil will be performing a surgery on me as soon as possible to remove the shrapnel. I would like Sean to assist him to make sure that everything runs smoothly."

"S-S-Surg-gery-y?" Kota stammers, the first one to break the silence that ensued my announcement.

I smile softly at Kota who is staring at me, his big emerald eyes wide with shock and concern.

"Yes, Kota."

"C-C-Can't-t-t h-h-he j-j-j-just-t..." Kota trailed off, not wanting to say it while the cameras are watching.

"He could've," I answer the unfinished question with a roll of my eyes at Wil. "But the genius idiot screwed up. Now the shrapnel has to be removed surgically."

"I'm honored that you would trust me with that, Dr.Sean," Sean says with another facial tic.

I look at him, "Yes... And as your doctor, I would like to know if you need any medicine for that."

"For what? The surgery?"

"No, your facial tics," I correct.

"What facial tics?"

"Oh, you poor thing!" I exclaim.

He doesn't even realize that he has facial tics.

I wrap my arms around him in what I think is the right way for a hug and squeeze him.

"Don't worry, Pookie! I'm sure that your parents or friends would have told you about them at some point!"

Letting go of the blushing and confused Sean, I turn to the rest of them and shout, "How could you?! Why didn't you at least tell him about his tics, let alone get him medical help?!"

"What tics? Owen asks.

"Shame on you, Owen!" I yell. "I can't believe you all are still pretending not to notice!"

I start to stomp off before stomping back.

"Follow me if you want to know how to get back to the library!" I order, still fuming.

What kind of pets do I have? I thought that they were better than this!

Sean follows and the others do as well.

Sean looks at me with huge green eyes and asks timidly, "Sang, can I hold your hand? I don't think I handle the news of my facial tics..."

Oh, the poor thing...

"Sure, Sean," I tell him, sticking my hand out to him.

I have no clue why he would want to hold my hand or how it would help him, but there are a lot of social things that I don't understand. I guess that this is just another one. I don't mind helping him out in this time of hardship.

Plus, I like the feeling of his hand in mine.



Facial tics?



And now, Sean is holding Sang's hand, using his "facial tics"—whatever Sang means by that—as an excuse to hold her hand!

The smug bastard...

Usually that is reserved for Raven, but not today!

Following the two of them, all I can think of is how Sean is going to pay for this... And how strange of a path we are taking. These hallways sure are like a maze. Eventually, we come to a stop at the door of what I believe was the kitchen.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

Sang doesn't even bother turning around before calling, "Still mad at you guys!"

Sean smirks and asks her, "What are we doing here? I thought we were going to the library."

"Oh, I thought you guys would want breakfast," Sang informs him.

Sean! The smug bastard!

I grumble under my breath about the asshole as Sang leads us inside.

"Pick out your breakfast and tell the chef, Alun, so he can get cooking," Sang instructs standing off to the side.

Surprisingly quick, our food is ready and we are eating it.

"Aren't you going to eat, North Star?" North asks Sang.

"No," Sang answers shortly.

I know that she is annoyed at us, but this seems like something else.

"Sang? You need to eat too," I tell her.

Sang yells, "I don't 'need' to do anything! Hurry up and eat so we can head back!"

Startled, we do as she says.

But this is far from over.

If Sang has a problem with eating, we can help her work through it. We can help her work through anything.

We will always stick with her, by her side, no matter what.

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