Chapter Twenty Eight

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So... I lost my device. Again. *pauses to sob* Updates will be slowed again.

If you want something to blame, you can refer to the comment thread between me and Corazones on chapter twenty six. There is a decent excuse there.

 There is a decent excuse there

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My name is Sang.


No, that's not it... What was my name again?


Quit rushing me! I'm thinking!

The floors reach up to hug the walls.

The walls melt away into a puddle of blood. The blood soon covers the ground. I am swimming in blood.

Somehow—magic, probably—the ceiling is still in place despite the missing walls.

I laugh and laugh and laugh as I splash in the blood. I've always wanted to go swimming. Maybe I would drown and die if I went swimming...

The floor sways back and forth and I sway with it, my steps increasingly lurching.

I am lightheaded and dizzy as the room spins around me.

Where am I?

Oh, yeah.

The Eiffel Tower.

Or was it the Gothel tower?

"Look at all those tiny people!" I shriek, pointing at them.

I am at the top of the tower. I had fun climbing it. I am good at climbing. I climb my hair all the time.

"A bird!" I shout. "Look, a bird!"

I jump after the bird, chasing after it.

We run through a maze together, the bird and I.

Reaching a dead end, we trip over Jade who screams, "Watch where you are going, bitch!"

I laugh, "Don't you mean bitches? There are, after all, two of us."

"What the hell are you talking about, filth?!" Marie shouts.

"The bird," I answer simply, pointing at it.

"There's no fucking bird there!" Jade snarls.

"Yes, there is," I insist, looking right at it.

Marie hisses, "You're crazy!"

I look at her and burst into laughter.

I laugh. Long and hard. Maniacal. The laugh of one who has nothing left.

"Darling," I purr.  "I'm more than crazy. I'm abso-fucking-lutely mad."

Their horrified looks send me into hysterics once more.

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