Chapter Thirty Nine

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So... I feel as if this chapter is a bit confusing, but that is on purpose because of how confused the characters are. If it is too much to keep up with, feel free to comment any and all questions!

I put up a few new ideas for y'all to check out! Darling, The Elements of Rage, and Ire, which will be the sequel to this book! 

Please help me out! I need to figure out what to call this trilogy. It will be Mad, Ire, and Awe. I'm leaning slightly toward the Raw Trilogy, but it also doesn't seem quite right. Let me know if you have any ideas!!

 Let me know if you have any ideas!!

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"Sean!" I yell. "Calm down!"

Sean breathes deeply in an attempt to calm himself.

"I know this is a terrible situation, but we need to remain calm," I remind him. "Meet me here."

Jabbing a finger towards where I want him to be, I shove the map in his arms and race to the end of a certain hallway that ends with a balcony.

Stretching my arms, I calculate the distance. Running, I leap off the balcony, twisting in midair, and grab the frame of the window and pull myself up. I reach a hand up and quickly open the window and remove the screen. Carefully, I slip into the room and grab the keychain off of Father's desk.

On the keychain is a number of keys along with the keycard to get into McCoy's room.

The room that I hate.

It is torture to go there, but it is the last stop before we leave and McCoy isn't even here at the tower today. However, I need to go in with Sean as Wil starts up the jet.

After all, we can't leave without the others.

It turns out, that... that... monster took them, one by one, and locked them in his room. Now, all that is between me and freedom is one little room.

You can do this, Sang.

As quickly as possible, I sneak out of Father's office and grab Sean's arm.

"Come on!" I hiss, keeping my voice low. "I have the keys!"

Sean nods and we run, together, to the room.

"Little girl, let me show you into my room."

With shaky hands, I scramble to unlock his room.

"Oh, dear, that just isn't going to cut it."

Flinging the door open, I charge in, ready to save the boys.

"Ugh. You look like filth. Don't you know you are just a dirty whore?"

I push back the memories as best as I can, racing toward the hidden room with the chains.

"Sang!" Sean hisses. "Where are you going?!"

"He has a hidden room back here where he chains people up!" I reply, frantically feeling around for the latch that will open up the door.

Finding it, I stumble into the room and see the boys chained up. They are all as asleep except Owen who is just barely waking up. Relieved, I see that they are relatively unharmed, they were most likely just drugged when they were kidnapped.

"Sang!" Owen shouts. "Sean!"

But there is no joy or gratefulness in him. Only urgency and terror.

"You have to get out!" He yells. "McC—"

His reply is cut off by a scream as fog fills the air. A bluish gas that clouds the room. All the boys begin to scream as the fog hits them.

I don't feel anything, though.

Just weight. The weight that pulls me under the darkness.



I rake a hand through my inky black hair as my brothers and I wait for Sang to come back.

"She said she was only going to be an hour," Victor mutters, his long fingers playing a melody on the arm of the couch.

"Yes, Victor, we don't need a fucking recap," Gabriel snaps.

"Back off Victor," Nathan murmurs to Gabriel.

"We're all worried," North adds, unusually quiet.

"I'm going to sneak and out find her," Luke decides.

"On your own?!"

"Didn't Sang warn us enough?!"

"Silence!" Mr. Blackbourne commands. "In this case, I deem it necessary. Luke will sneak out now, followed by the rest of us in pairs, two minutes between each group. We will meet back here in an hour and, hopefully, one of the groups will have found Sang by then."

"Why don't we all just go at once?" Silas asks, making a good point.

"We need to split up and cover more ground," Mr. Blackbourne explains. "Pairs will allow us to search more area for Sang."

I nod my understanding, used to Mr. Blackbourne taking charge in situations like this.

Luke exits the library, checking to make sure the hall is clear before leaving. We split up and do the same.

Mr. Blackbourne and Nathan.

Marc and Raven.

Corey and Brandon.

Kota and Victor.

Gabriel and Silas.

Then it is just North, Sean, and I.

"Do we go together as a trio?" Sean asks.

"No," I decide. "North and I will go and then you if you are fine being on your own."

I know that the risk is high, but I also know that Sean is talented in sneaking, although not nearly as much as Luke. When he is serious, as rare as that is, he is talented in more than just medical skills. Besides, we need to cover as much ground as possible.

North and I exchange a look and head out together. Slipping into the hall, we see no sign of anyone.

We are just turning the corner when they jump us. With the elements of surprise and number in their hands, they easily overtake us, dragging us off down the hall.

"You'd think they'd have stopped coming," One of the men sniggers.

"Dumb shits," Another agrees with a snicker.

North growls at them and is rewarded by a knee to the gut.

Wisely, I decide to cooperate, knowing that they have the others already. I need to make sure that Sang is not with them. If she is captured with my brothers, we will all have to work together to get free and keep Sang safe.

Gritting my teeth, I try to keep from crying out as they slam me through the door, twisting my arm at a terrible angle. They lead me into an average looking bedroom and stop at a wall in the back. I sigh with relief, glad that they are done lagging me around, but it is short lived. A latch opens up a door behind where I am leaning and I tumble into a secret room behind the wall.

Inside, all my brothers are chained to the wall, their hands above their heads. They are all asleep, most likely drugged. Thankfully, they don't look too beat up.

I jerk my head around and kick at them and swing my fists, but I am too frantic and sloppy. I can't keep my head away. And they are able to slip a cloth over my mouth and nose. Soon, I fall away to the edge of darkness as I slump unconscious.

When I wake, all I know is pain. Pure pain. It sears my eyes and fills my whole body with a fire that I fear will kill me.

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