Chapter Twenty Seven

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This chapter actually wasn't supposed to happen... At all.

I hope you enjoy it anyway!

I stride into the library and see the boys still planning heatedly

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I stride into the library and see the boys still planning heatedly.

"S-S-an-ng-g!" Kota stutters, surprised, alerting the others to my presence.

"The only and only," I agree, my lips curling up into a smile.

They all seem to freeze at the sight, probably not used to the diamond in my tooth.

"We actually weren't expecting to see you again," Gabriel blurts.

"That's okay, Mother just needed me for a second," I explain, only half lying. There is no "just" about it. Mother needs to make sure that her doll is perfect and perfectly behaving.

Worriedly, Victor asks, "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, you look kinda... different," North adds slowly, looking me up and down, his gaze lingering slightly on my legs. Probably only because the leggings are his favorite color.

I shrug.

"What I have to be crazy all the time? I can't be a little mad as well?" I tease, sitting down next to Raven.

They stammer out a response, but it is interrupted by Raven, who is gawking at my feet, yelling in Russian, "You have a tattoo?!"

"Crazy Russian," I mutter before answering, "Yes, two of them. You got a problem with it?"

I was a little curious and a little confused. I mean, he has tattoos, why is this something to get so worked up over?

"I will give you a fruit cup, as soon as possible," Raven promises, both of us ignoring the boys who are asking questions, curious as to what is going on.

"What? Isn't it illegal to marry pets?" I ask, tilting my head like a confused cat.

"You're right," Raven concedes. "The wedding will have to wait until we are out of here and the fourteen of us are no longer pets."

Oh. I thought I was keeping them forever.

I shrug. I guess they don't want to stick around for that long.

"Why not?"

"WHY NOT WHAT?!" Marc shouts with fear evident in his voice.

"What did you agree to, Honey?!" Nathan yells, terrified as well.

The others chime in with similar shouts. Owen looks slightly alarmed, but he does not say anything. Raven is leaned back with the smuggest look on his face.

I look at them, slightly weirded out, and answer, "Chill. I think I just accepted a future fruit cup."

"WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?!!" North roars, but I can't tell if he is asking me or Raven.

The other boys are either stunned into silence or shouting as well.


"WE WERE ALL SUPPOSED TO MARRY YOU!" North booms, his face twisted in anger and frustration and, worst of all, hurt.

Gabriel, the closest to North, smacks him on the back of his head as Silas reaches over to sock his arm.

"Asshole!" Gabriel shouts. "You weren't supposed to say anything about that!"

"What are you talking about?" I whisper, stunned.

I crash back into the couch, abandoning my perfect posture.

I honestly don't know how to feel.

On one hand, I am elated. Elated and hopeful. I would definitely be fine marrying all of them, even if the idea is a little strange. A strange idea for a strange group brought together by strange circumstances. I would love to try a relationship with them, probably not marry them, but I would be open to the idea of dating all of them to see how it works out.

On the other hand, I am confused. No one has ever been interested in me before. Why would these fourteen be attracted to me? And how could all fourteen of them feel the same way?

On the third hand, I am enraged. How could they all think that and not tell me? They conspired together and didn't even think of telling me. Gabriel revealed that they weren't going to tell me about it at all. Also, why would Raven have asked me if they weren't planning on it? Are the boys trying to use me to make escaping easier? No, we are already planning their escape. Not to mention, it would probably be easier to escape without me at this point. Are they trying to trick me?

That must be it.

They are just playing a joke on me.

I ignore their shouts once more, a growing talent of mine, and let out a laugh. I am somewhat proud of myself. The laugh was only slightly forced sounding and only a bit bitter.

"Real funny, you guys," I laugh with a shake of my head. "Now, are we going to finish our game?"

Thinking twice, I change my mind and say, "Actually, I am going to head to bed now."

With that, I exit the library, not wanting to stay any longer and worried that I might break down in front of all of them.



I stammer out some stupid response, but Sang just ignores us. Once she is gone, I whirl around and face Raven.

"What the hell did you say?!" I shout.

The room falls silent.

I never swear and I rarely shout. But this is important. This is everything.

Raven looks at me shocked and answers, "I asked her about her tattoo and offered her a fruit cup. Sang accepted."

"No, she said 'why not,'" Corey corrects absently, still gaping at me.

"Same," Raven says with a shrug.

I cannot describe the hurt I feel. The betrayal. Why would Raven do such a thing? Why would Sang agree to him? Does she really not know how we feel about her?

True, we were brought together by terrible circumstances and are in a terrible place, but Sang is something that I have never seen before. I find my heart beating wildly whenever I see her. I find myself wanting to know about her, to count everything about her. I think about how she is feeling, what she is doing, and if she is okay. Maybe it is strange, but it is how I feel about her and how she makes me feel.

I love her.

We all do.

And we may have just fucked it all up.

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