Chapter Thirty Six

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"Sang," Owen calls urgently and sternly. "We may stay here in the library, but we need access to a bathroom with a shower."

"I agree," I state with relief. "You guys have been starting to stink..."

I try not to burst into laughter as a look of horror comes over Owen's face.

"Calm down, Darling," I tell him with a small smile. "You smell fine. Ish. Now, you can use my shower, if you want."

Owen seems to freeze at my words.

"Th-That's fine," Owen forces out.

He certainly is showing an uncharacteristic amount of emotion as of late. I wonder what brought about this change in his mannerisms.

"You aren't sick, are you?" I ask worriedly.

"No, I'm perfectly fine except where you punched me," Owen answers curtly, trying to adjust a tie that is not there.

"Come on then," I direct. "The others will be fine hanging out until you are ready to return."

"Why are you coming?"

"Because you don't know how to get there," I answer in an obvious tone before adding, "Besides, now that McCoy knows of you all, it really is too dangerous for you to be on your own."

I hate having to repeat myself, but it is better to repeat myself than for them to forget something important. And this is most definitely important.

Owen reluctantly follows me after quietly informing Axel of our departure. Together, we stride out of the room and I take Owen on a twisting and winding path to my room, making sure that Owen does not understand the layout of the tower. I trust them, but they are not scared enough of McCoy. They do not understand how horrible and cruel the sociopath truly is.

Shaking my head to clear it of unwanted thoughts, I lead Owen around the last corner and open the door to my bedroom.

"The bathroom is that way," I announce, pointing with my finger. "I'll go get you some fresh clothes and be back."

I jog down to the storage room that holds clothes and quickly grab enough clothes for all of them. Hurriedly, I run back upstairs and set the clothes down in front of the door for Owen to grab before taking a direct route back to the boys so they can all shower.

Inside the library, Wil is sitting on a couch talking animatedly with Sean.

Seeing me, he looks up and says, "Ah, Sang, perfect timing. We were just talking about you. Mostly good things, don't worry."

Well, I wasn't worried, but I'm slightly worried now.

"We need to get your surgery underway as soon as possible," Sean informs me, his usual playful demeanor gone.

"Sounds good to me," I respond with a shrug.

I might as well get it done as soon as possible. Besides, the sooner I am healed, the sooner we can escape. If I survive the surgery, that is. Wil is going to have to dig out the tracking devices, including the one near my heart.

"Where's Owen?" Axel asks me, noticing that he didn't return with me.

"Oh, he's taking a shower," I explain. "You all should take one as well."

"Excuse me?!" Gabriel exclaims.

"Good idea," Wil agrees. "I'm sure you all know how to get to Sang's room since it is right around the corne—"

"Wil!" I interrupt, but it is too late.

"Right around the corner?!" Marc shouts.

Brandon yells, "You mean you've been lying this whole time about where we've been going?!"

"No!" North yells before adding in a surprisingly calm voice, "I'm sure Sang has a reason. Of all things to do, this doesn't seem like something she would do without a reason."

Slightly stunned, I blink and confirm, "Yes, I did have a reason—McCoy."

"Devil!" Raven hisses in Russian and then English.

"Whoa! What's got the Russian so freaked?" Luke asks, slightly concerned.

"McCoy is a sociopath," I start. "Evil and cruel. A killer. I could tell you about the horrors that he has done—"

"Don't tell them!" Raven yells.

"—But," I continue with a pointed look. "I won't because you don't need the nightmares."

"Th-Th-Thank-k y-you," Kota stutters bashfully, a blush spreading over his cheeks.

I really need to figure out why he is stammering. Maybe it is just something that can't be helped, but if it can be helped, I am going to help him.

"I knew that if you all knew the layout of the area, you would try to go out on your own. McCoy preys on lone targets. And once he has what he wants, rarely does he let it go, even after he is done with them," I say seriously and add in my head, And I was one of the rare exceptions.

Fighting back memories, I decide with a sigh, "Come here and I will draw you up a map of the tower."

I might as well just let them make their way to my room on their own and head to the surgery with Wil and Sean.

Once the map is complete and everyone knows where they are going, I call, "Kota! Before you leave, I need to speak with you, Ten."

"O-Ok-kay, N-Numb-bers-s," He stammers, scrambling after me as the others file out of the library.

I take a seat on the couch in the corner of the room and motion for Kota to sit down next to me.

Deciding to be direct, I bluntly ask, "Why do you stutter, Kota?"

"Uh..." Kota mumbles.

"Whatever it is, just spit it out," I order, losing patience.

"Y-You, k-k-k-kind-d-da s-sc-care m-me," Kota answers, his nerves increasing his stutter. "P-P-P-Pl-Plus-s, y-y-you're-re r-r-r-reall-lly p-prett-tty."

"Pretty?" I repeat incredulously before I can stop myself.

Kota's deep blush somehow increases as he nods slightly.

No one has ever called me pretty. Ever. In fact, most people go out of their way to make sure I know how hideous I am.

Deeply moved, I can't stop myself.

Cupping his smooth face, I press my lips to his in a quick and urgent kiss. Kota freezes and I am worried I screwed up, but he quickly comes alive, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me back. I pour my emotions into the kiss, melting into him, hoping that I can help Kota understand how I feel and that he doesn't ever need to be shy.

When we finally pull apart, breathing somewhat deeply, Kota says, "I guess, you feel the same way we do?"

Without hesitation, I answer sadly, "Yes, but you must know that this is not the time or place for this."

Kota nods sadly.

"We all know that, Sang. Believe me, we've thought about it a lot. Starting a relationship with you, that is."

Grinning at our shared strangeness and awkwardness, I laugh, "Don't worry, Kota. I'm sure we'll figure this all out eventually. I'm glad you feel confident enough not to stutter now."

Freezing, Kota seems to realize that he hasn't stuttered once since I kissed him.

"Now," I announce. "I believe it is time for you to catch up with your brothers, and it is time for my surgery."

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