Chapter Nineteen

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In case you haven't heard yet, I am going to be editing Sang Insane soon. If you have read it, please comment any and all plot holes or any ideas you may have to make the book better!

Thank you for reading and thank you to NieceofCatwoman for suggesting one of the tattoos!

Thank you for reading and thank you to NieceofCatwoman for suggesting one of the tattoos!

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I slip down into one of the underground rooms. Here it is darker and the air has a slightly damp feel to it. The bright lights do their best to illuminate everything, but there are no windows and the artificial light isn't the same.

"Hello, Jishna," I say to the dark-haired tattoo artist.

"Diamond," She says in surprise, her black shark eyes calculating. One perfectly plucked eyebrow is raised, clearly asking a question.

"I need a tattoo," I state simply.

Jishna scratches at the side of her neck where black flames rise up just below her hairline.

"I never thought you would ever want a tattoo, little Diamond," Jishna states twirling her raven hair around her finger. She gives me an obvious look up and down at my attire.

I growl, hating my wardrobe more than ever.

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Like the first time you killed, remember?" I remind her with a pointed glare.

Jishna is a tattoo artist because she is amazing at it and terrible at killing. She feels all this guilt and other weird stuff. Her first kill left her sobbing in a corner. Jishna was nineteen.

A faint blush adorns her cheeks and she gives me a wounded glare. Jishna drops her hand down to fiddle with the end of her studded belt.

"I was just saying," Jishna defends. "Come on in and look at the books and let me know what it is you want."

I enter as Jishna walks away to get the supplies ready. She stops and turns to look at me, her long nails clicking together in an annoying pattern.

"I won't get in trouble for tattooing you, will I?"

"No," I answer shortly. I don't plan on Mother or Father ever seeing the tattoo. Even if they did find out, somehow, I wouldn't give up who gave me it.

I open the book with only a vague idea of what I wanted. As I am flipping through the binder, a picture captures my attention.

A plain but elegant black butterfly.

I've always liked butterflies and what they symbolize: a transition. Going from one part of your life and being reborn better.

I definitely need to move on from this part of my life and be reborn better.

Leaving a finger on the page to mark that spot, I flip through until I find what I want. Vines. I love vines. The way they grow and the way they look with their beautifully elegant swirls, vines have always been something that I plan on growing if I ever get out of this place.

"Jishna," I call. "I changed my mind. I want two tattoos, these ones."

Jishna comes over and leans over to see which ones, coming way too close for comfort. Very clearly, I can smell her cigarettes and rich perfume. I refrain from pinching my nose and show Jishna which two I want.

"A small, black butterfly and white vines."

Jishna nods, gaining a far away look in her eyes as she begins to picture it.

"Where at, Pink?"

I hesitate, making sure I know what I want, before declaring, "The butterfly on the inside of my bottom lip and the vines on my feet."

Jishna grins, toying with one of her necklaces and nods.

"Come and sit down over here. The machine is about ready."

I sit down in the chair and wait. Soon, Jishna has me sterilize my feet and set them on the table. A tube connects the needle to the machine and soon fills with white ink. Jishna starts pressing on the foot pedal and the needle quickly moves up and down.

I smile viciously as the needle enters my skin and she starts drawing on my feet a picture that will last forever. When she is done with the right foot, Jishna looks up and sees my close-lipped smile.

"I guess you won't be needing a break in between tattoos, huh?" Jishna laughs, twisting a bracelet on her arm.

Shaking my head, a real smile splits my face. A full smile. Teeth and all. Thankfully, Jishna has returned to work and doesn't see it. As soon as it comes, the smile disappears from my face and shock replaces it. I haven't smiled like that in years. Maybe I should get tattooed more often.

I make my features go completely blank of any emotions or feelings.

Soon, Jishna is done with both the butterflies and the vines and bandages are covering the areas. I pull my shoes on to hide the bandages and stand, my dress falling over my feet and hiding the shoes, completely hiding any evidence of today's events. There is a slight risk that Mother or Father would access the camera feed, but they rarely ever access them and wouldn't even think of accessing the cameras down here. After all, why on earth would a doll get a tattoo?

I give Jishna a nod of thanks, knowing that Jishna is paid by to work as the artist and doesn't need to be paid per person. Each person is allowed to use a certain amount of each year, and, seeing as I have never had a tattoo, it is fine for me to get a couple.

Jishna absently traces the eagle tattoo on her forearm and recites in a bored tone, "Leave the bandage on for a minimum of an hour and less than five hours. Once you remove the bandage, wash the area with hot water. Pat it dry and then let it air out for an hour before putting on a little lotion, not much and not scented. Stay away from water and sun. It will take a week or two for your tattoo to heal. Got it?"

I nod, storing the information in my mind. I certainly won't have much of a problem keeping my feet from water and sun.

"Good. Is that all?" Jishna says pointedly. Jishna begins to tap her foot and bites her lip with her sharp teeth. She fingers her dangly earring, never staying still.

Nodding once more, I rise to my feet and thank her. Jishna waves off my thanks claiming that it is just her job.

Heading upstairs, I feel better. Much better.

After all, the pain cleared a few things up and gave me a genius idea.

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