Chapter Twenty One

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This song suits this book so well...

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"Gladly, Sang," Sean laughs. "Luke had too much sugar because he is allowed to eat whatever he wants. And he only wants sugary food."

"That's your diagnosis? Too much sugar?" I ask skeptically.

"What? Are you the doctor here? Do people call you Dr. Sean?" Sean teases, looking dramatically offended.

"Yes, yes people do call me Dr. Sean," I retort, sticking my nose in the air, wondering slightly why people wouldn't call him Dr. Green since it is more proper. "And I call you Pookie so I think I am winning here."

"Fine then, Dr. Sean, what are you going to do about Luke?" Sean challenges.

I snort, "Let him deal with it. If he is going to eat like that, he can suffer the consequences."

"Damn right!" North booms from his cell.

"A-A-Are you s-sur-re th-that's-s a good id-d-dea?" Kota asks with his usual stutter, blushing as he speaks.

"Absolutely. What do you want me to do? Yell at him like an idiot caveman?"

"Excuse me?!" North roars.

"Yes? Can I help you, North Baby?" I ask, looking at him blankly.


Everyone except Owen bursts into laughter. Owen himself is smiling. A real smile that manages to take my breath away. It is a smile that makes me want to smile as well.

So I do.

A full blown smile that silences all the noise immediately. Feeling like I did something wrong, I stop smiling immediately.

"Fuck, Meanie. Your smile literally sparkles!" Gabriel exclaims.

"Oh, yeah," I say, running my tongue over the small diamond implanted in one of my top front teeth.

North opens his mouth to say something when he remembers his nickname.


"Don't wear it out, North Baby," I instruct with a smirk.

North roars, "What kind of nickname is... That?!"

Immediately, I answer, "Yours."


"You broke my brother!" Luke wails. "That was supposed to be my job!"

"Aww, I already broke one of my pets!" I whine.

"Pets?!" Marc repeats.

"Yes, pets. I have a contract that says you belong to me as my pets," I explain.

Corey stammers, "Th-That can't be possible!"

"Sang? Is this true?" Owen asks seriously.

"Absolutely. I was reluctant at first, but then I decided to go ahead since I can always kill you guys, torture you, or use you as experiments," I say before adding, "Although, there isn't much of a difference between the three options."

"You would've killed us?" Brandon repeats softly.

"Maybe," I answer with a shrug. "Only if needed. Or by accident."

"And you're okay with that?" Victor questions.

"Well, my father had me kill my first person when I was four so it really is nothing new."

"FOUR?!" North booms.

"Yes. Now quit yelling," I say, shifting, growing uncomfortable and slightly overwhelmed.


"Damn right it is serious!" I yell right back, standing up and stalking to his cell. "When I tell you to quit yelling, you fucking stop yelling! Is that clear?"

"What makes you the boss of me?!" North challenges, lowering his volume only slightly.

Faster than the eye can catch I throw a knife that was hidden in my dress, so it combs through his hair and hovers just above his scalp before thudding into the wall behind him.

"That," I answer lowly, ice dripping from my words. "Now hand me my knife, North Baby."

On purpose, I said the nickname to help me calm down because it makes me laugh on the inside every time I use it.

"Now," I say breathing deeply to calm down and tucking my knife back where it was, fast enough that they don't see where I hide it. "Are you ready to be quiet?"

"Yes," North murmurs running a hand through the hair that my knife just hit.


"Sang, I would like to know if that is true," Owen states. "Did you really start killing when you were four years old?"

I swallow and nod.

"Yes," I force out, trying to force memories out as well. "I have to go now. Thank you for talking with me."

With that, I exit from the room, perfectly poised and perfectly expressionless.



"Well, thanks for that, North," Gabe says sarcastically once Sang is gone, breaking the silence.

"Yes, it was clarity West's fault," Raven agrees.

"Clearly," Corey corrects instinctively.

Raven grunts out, "Same."

Mr. Blackbourne inserts, "No, this wasn't anyone's fault. North was being North and yelling, yes, but Sang is... Not the average person. We have to be careful, but we can't anticipate every reaction from her."

I play a melody with my right hand on my thigh, thinking that over. Sang is unusual and reacts unusually, but that is to be warranted, especially knowing that she has been a killer since she was four. So far we know that she is abused by her mother, used by her father, and has two sisters that are twins. We don't know much about the twins, though. However, we do know that they have done nothing to stop the abuse.

"And Kota with his stuttering," Marc snorts.

"Knock it off," Kota orders.

Gabriel laughs, "Do you stutter every time you talk to her? Because she didn't seem too fazed by your stammering..."

Remarkably, a blush tints Kota's cheeks as he defends, "What? She's scary... And kinda pretty..."

I freeze.

Kota likes her too?

"Fuck!" Raven rumbles. "She better not think that his stuttering is cute. Because I don't do cute."

And Raven?!

Sean cooes, "Aww, does wittle Kota have a cwush on Sang?"

"Hey! That sorta like what Sang said to me!" Luke exclaims.

"You told her that I am interested in her?" Kota asks, confused, ignoring the cursing of his brothers.

"No!" Luke cries. "When I was on cloud eleven off of sugar, I may have told Sang that I liked someone. Thankfully, I didn't tell her, who knows how she would have reacted."

Owen orders, "Everybody who is interested in Sang yell 'Me.'"

From every single cell came a shouted "Me!"

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