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Miracle- Age 6
Donghyuck- Age 7

"Miracle! Get ready!" Her mom, that's standing on the door of her room, said.

"Why eomma?" She asked looking at her with innocent eyes.

"The family from next door are coming. Go and get dress." She said before leaving.

The little girl went to shower. She loves having people at their house. She loves meeting new people.

After taking a shower and dressing up with her favorite white dress and doll shoes. She went down to the kitchen where her mother is preparing dinner.

"What time will they come eomma?" Ask the little girl.

Just when she was about to answer her, the door bell rang.

"It must be them. Call your appa now."

She called for her appa that was upstairs. She went in his parents room seeing his father looking at some papers.

"Appa! Eomma told me to call for you. Dinner's ready." She said smiling.

Her father look at her, also smiling.

"Why is my little girl all dress up?"

"There's guest from next door downstairs. They'll join us for dinner appa."

"Oh okay. Let's go then? We don't want them waiting long for us, right?"

She nod.

Her father held their hands as they made their ways downstairs. They went to the dining room and there they saw a couple with their son.

"You must be our neighbor from next door. It's a pleasure meeting you." Her father smiled at them.

She also smiled and listen to them having their introduction.

Until she notice the boy staring at her. He was about the same age as her. He was standing beside his father.

She walk towards him. "Why are you staring at me?" She ask softly, only for them to hear.

The boy blushed. "No. I wasn't!" Unlike her, he spoked to loudly making their parents look at them.

"Donghyuck what's the matter dear? Is Miracle bothering you?" Miracle's mother ask.

"I wasn't eomma!" Miracle.

"No. She wasn't bothering me. She was saying I was staring at her when..." the boy, Donghyuck, blushed. "I wasn't.... really staring at her." He was now looking down at his shoes.

The parents look at each other. They all know what's running thru their head.

"Do you have a crush on Miracle? Huh Donghyuck?" Donghyuck's mother teased.

Donghyuck look at her with surprise.
"No! I don't have a crush on her!"

His father rolled his eyes. "If you say so Donghyuck. I'm gonna pretend that I believe you."

They all laugh while Donghyuck is still red as tomato. Miracle was just staring at them with confusion in her eyes.

She tug on her father's sleeves. "Appa what's a crush?"

They all stop laughing after hearing the little girls question.

"Oh it's nothing dear. You're too young to have a crush. You're still appa's little princess. Okay?" She just nod still confuse. She wanna know what a crush is.

"You're no fun." Miracle's mother said to his husband.

After more jokes here and there, they all decided to eat dinner.

Miracle was beside Donghyuck. Both of them are quite while their parents talk.

She was getting bored since she was done eating.

"Eomma! Appa! Can I excuse myself? I've finished dinner."

"Sure princess. How about you and Donghyuck go to the living room and watch TV? Only cartoons, okay?"

The two children went to the living room and start watching a movie about a blue alien.

Miracle was wondering why the boy beside her was awfully quite. How can she be friend him if he was too quite?

"Hey!" She said poking his sides.


"Why are you so quite? Talk to me! I'm getting bored of you." She said with a pout.

He look at him. "I'm sorry." He look away. He couldn't help but think the girl look cute while pouting. "I'm shy."

"Oh. Why are you shy? Don't be shy! I'm friendly." She smiled at him.

He look back at her and smiled back. "Okay."

"So how old are you?"

"I'm 7."

Her eyes suddenly light up. "Waaah! That means you're an oppa! I'm only six."


"Yes!" She look at him directly in the eyes with a cute smile. "Is it okay if I call you oppa?"

"Of course." He said now smiling.

And that's how their friendship starts.


This chapter sucks and I'm not gonna re-do it cause I'm a lazy bum.

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