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It was already Friday, the day we will perform in Music Class.

Me and Donghyuck oppa had practice enough and I wish it'll turn out well.

Well let me tell you how yesterday went well since him and me are now fine.

The girls were all shock when they find out and also a little bit weird out whenever I call his name with an 'oppa'. All of us start sitting together at lunch making others look at us confuse. Well all I know is that the girls were never friends with them and hate their nerves since like they said they think the boys are jerks and arrogant bastards. I shouldn't be saying that because that's bad but that's what they really call them.

Also me and Donghyuck oppa are being very close again. We joke here and there and even share some stories. But he still doesn't remember me. When I ask him about how his childhood was all he said was him and Jeno were the one always together. He never mention about a girl being his bestfriend, he never mention anything about me. Which makes me really sad. But I think at least now were friends again?

"Nice to see you again class. As you all know today is the day you will sing with your partner. I hope you are all well prepared. I wish you all goodluck."

Then she called the first pair.

I was very nervous. Even tho I know that we are the last pair that's gonna sing.

More pairs perform together and it was now Lele and Jisung's turn.

We were all shock when we recognize what they were singing. It was Marvin Gaye by Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth.

"Are they seriously singing a song about se--"

"Don't even dare finishing that word Jaymee." Rena shut Jaymee with a motherly tone. But I can also see she's kinda shock of what she's seeing.

They are the youngest in our group but there they are singing a not so innocent song.

While me and the girls were shock, the two other boys were laughing together.

"Yah! You two! Stop laughing it's not funny." Jaymee scold them and wack the back of their heads.

"Ow! Boo that hurts." Jeno whined. While Donghyuck oppa just whine.

Jaymee's eyes went wide and out of nowhere she wack his head again.

"Don't call me boo. It's weird."

Jeno smirk. "Then what do you want me to call you? Is babe okay?"

She glared at me. "Don't call me anything. Jaymee will be fine you little sh--"

"No swearing on my watch." Rena shut her up again making me and Donghyuck giggle together.

After Lele and Jisung it was now Rena and Chaemin. They sing Back to You by Louis Tomlinson and Bebe Rexha.

Wow Rena's voice is really good. Also Chaemin. There voices fits together.

After them was Jaymee and Jeno.

"You better do it right or I will kill you if we got a low grade."

Jeno just gave her his eyes smile. She look away but that does not mean I didn't saw her blush.

They sang Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor and John Legend.

I like their voices. The three pairs were really good. Even Lele who has a high pitch voice I never think she could sing so beautifully. Well expect the unexpected.

Finally it was our turn.

I can feel the fast beating of my heart.

We stand in front of the class, all eyes on us. Me and Donghyuck oppa look at each other. He gave me a smile and nod telling me to start.

I took a deep breath before starting...

All I know
Is one morning when I woke
That I know something now
Know something now
I didn't before...

I continue singing until the chorus and then it comes to Donghyuck oppa's part.

His voice is so beautiful I can listen to it all day.

We sang together at the chorus and the bridge...

Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I miss you
All this time

Come bring me back to life...

I stop as I feel my chest tightens and tears threaten to fall. I can feel my whole body feeling weak.

I look around me with a nervous look and saw that they were all looking at me confuse, even Donghyuck oppa.

Our memories were playing in my head.

I look at Donghyuck oppa. "I....I'm sorry." And I ran out of the room.

Tears already falling down...


Well this is long...

Exams just end

I am mentally and emotionally dead.

There's a lot happening I can't handle it anymore. It hurts always being unappreciate by the ones you love. They always see the bad in me hahaha...

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