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A few months later...


After what happened at the school garden, we never talk anymore. I think it's been 3 or 4 months?

They don't sit with us at lunch anymore.

Both of us just mind our own business. I'm also trying to get over him already.

But I'd be lying if I say that I never look at him and sometimes hope that we get back to what we use to be before.

"So this boy from another class is having a party tomorrow night. Everyone is invited." Lele said sounding excited.

"And so?" Rena raised an eyebrow at her.

"I was gonna say we should go."

"That'll be fun!" Jaymee said.

"Oh yeah sure." Rena said and get back to eating her food.

Then Lele look at me with a hoping smile.


I'm not really a party person. I just like staying at home, while wrap in a blanket and reading a book.

"Oh sorry Lele. I can't come with the three of you. I don't really like parties."

"Come on Miracle. Lose up a little. You can't just study forever." Rena said.

I thought she was the mother of the group...kind of not now.

"Just like what I said, it's gonna be fun. We're not gonna do something illegal."

"We won't drink alcoholic drinks, right?"

"Of course we won't!" Lele said in her high pitch voice making me wince.

Hm maybe I'll join them. It's just one time and trying new things isn't bad.

"Fine. I'll come with you guys." They all cheered and smiled at me.

"Hey Lucas! Miracle said she'll go to your party."

I heard some cheers from his friends at their table.

What!? It's Lucas' party!?

Wong Yukhei or more known as Lucas. He's been liking  me since last month. He's very vocal about it. That's why everyone knows.

"Why didn't you tell me first that it was his party!?" I glare at Lele.

"Oh come on Miracle! You should give him a chance. I can see he really likes you and I know he's nice because he is my friend."

"It's not that easy."

"Look that doesn't matters right  now. Just go with us. Don't you dare back out now." Jaymee said.

"Why won't you like him tho? Haven't you got over Donghyuck yet." Rena.

Even hearing his name makes me sad. I feel my chest tightened a little.

"We shouldn't talk about people who is not here." I said sounding upset.

"Sorry." Rena said.

"It's okay. Uhm I need to go to the bathroom. Excuse me..."

I left the cafeteria.

Gosh. Why do I feel like crying again? I should really forget about him. That's what he wants, right?

I was about to enter the girls bathroom when someone suddenly hold my wrist and start pulling me with


What does he want now?

I let him pull me wherever he is taking me. I'm curious to what he has to say.

We stop at a hallway that has no one roaming around. It was empty.

Just the two of us.

I can feel my heart racing.

I look at him with a confuse look. He was just staring back at me.

This feels really awkward. Should I look away? He might see me blushing.

"What do you want?"

"You're not going to attend the party."

I raised an eyebrow at him and cross my arms.

I have to look like I'm not affected of him anymore. I have to look tough. I need to let him see that I'm okay without him...

And all of that is a lie. I was just acting.

"Why wouldn't I? Everyone is invited that means I can go."

He look a little taken aback. I'm sure it's because he didn't expect me to act like this.

But a few seconds pass and his eyebrows meet. "But I won't allow you to go."

"Why? As far as I know you're a no one in my life now. Did you perhaps also forget about that also?"

"Don't be stubborn! I said you're not going! Don't you know that Lucas likes you?"

"So what? I don't see anything wrong with that. At least he see's the good in me. Unlike you! I don't even know why you're acting like this." I said and walk away.

I don't understand him. I thought he does not care anything that's about me.



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