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10 years later...


We're finally back in Korea.

After 10 years of longing to come home here, we're finally back!

I can't wait to see Donghyuck oppa again. I can't wait to talk to him and laugh at his lame jokes.

I miss him.

We didn't have any contact when I was in Canada. But he promise me that he won't forget me.

"Mom! Dad! Are the Lee's at home?" I asked.

Yeah I start calling them mom and dad when we live in Canada.

"But we are at home." Mom said confuse.

I giggled. "I meant the other Lee's."

"Oh yeah." They laugh a little. "I don't know. I don't see anyone home."

I pouted.

"Donghyuck's father told me they'll be going somewhere today. You'll see Donghyuck tomorrow." Dad said.

"Really!?" My pout turned into a bright smile.

"Yup! Donghyuck is also in the same school as you. Now go and rest since school starts tomorrow."  Mom ordered.

I went to my room. Took a bath before dressing up on my pajama's.

I'm so excited for tomorrow. I hope to see Donghyuck oppa.

We have a lot of catching up to do.

He also needs to know that I already know what a crush is.

And yes, I have a crush on him. Or maybe something more than that.


"Take care Miracle!" Mom said.

"Yes mom." And I went out of her car.


This school is huge. It also has a lot of students. Well obviously since this is a school.

I start walking thru the halls. I can feel some students looking at me. I also hear them whispering.

"Is she new?"

"She looks so pretty."

"What!? I'm prettier than her."

I mentally rolled my eyes. Cocky people.

Gosh. I'm lost. I don't know where my room is but I know my class. It's section 4-A. I'm a 4th year high school student.

I was just walking, not knowing where to go and before I know it, I already fell on the floor.

Who just bumped into me!?

I look up and saw a boy with a brown or orange hair? It's brown with a little bit of orange? I don't know I think it's a brown.

He's looking at me with knitted eyebrows. He looks like he's glaring at me.

He looks familiar.

"Watch where you're going retard." He said before walking away.

He left me with my mouth hanging open in disbelief. Did he just called me retard?

"Hey! Are you okay?" Three girls suddenly run towards me and help me get up.

"Uhm yeah. Thank you."

I look at the three of them. They all look pretty.

"Hi! My name is Na Jaymee." The girl with the cute smile said. Gosh I love her smile.

"I'm Zhong Lele. I'm Chinese but don't worry I know Korean." She's cute.

"You obviously know Korean Lele. You live here for 4 years already." The girl with the red hair said. She then look at me. "My name's Huang Rena." She's also very cute.

All of them are cute and pretty.

"Uhm I'm Miracle Lee. Well my parents and I really live here in Korea but when I was 7 we move to Canada. Now we went back here."

"Cool! That means you know English?" Lele ask.

"Of course she does." Rena playfully hit her arm.

"By the way don't mind that rude boy. He's just really like that." Jaymee said referring to the boy that bumped into me.

"He is a freaking jerk." Lele said rolling her eyes.

"Very arrogant." Rena add.

"So he is like the school bad boy?" I asked.

"Yeah. Him and his friends are!" Lele answered.

"Who is he anyways?"

Jaymee answered. "Lee Donghyuck or more known as Haechan."



Now the story is freaking starting. I'm feeling excited.

So I'm not really good with descriptions of what the girls look like. So just look at the poorly made book cover.

I'm not expert with book covers okay? HAHAHA so if you want you can make a book cover for me.

Before I forgot to mention. So about the look of the boys here (Donghyuck, Jeno and Jisung). It'll be Go Era look.

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