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It was Monday.

Lunch time already.

All of us, girls, sat at our usual place.

I notice that everyone seems so distant today. Not really distant but we haven't talk much and we were all not trying to look in each others eyes.

Also me.

I'm afraid they'll find out about me and Donghyuck.

Yeah. Me and Him.

He already asked me to be his girlfriend.

And who am I to reject him?

I love him and I trust that he does too.

"So Miracle..." Jaymee said making all of us look at her.

Finally someone decided to speak up.

"What is it?"

"I saw you and Haechan at the terrace on Lucas' party." I felt myself froze.

Fudge she saw that.

"Also the two of you were hugging."

"I can explain!"

"Calm down Miracle. It's okay. Just tell us the story." Lele giggled.

I calm down and smiled at them.

"Thanks girls." And told them what happened.

I told them everything, even the part were I almost got rape.

"Who was that bastard that touched you!? I WILL KILL HIM!" Jaymee said angrily. Some even look at us but she glared at them making them look away.

"It's your turn to calm down Jaymee. Don't even bother because I don't wanna see him again. Donghyuck also beat him bad enough."

Her face suddenly softened. Wow her mood switch so fast.

"Aaww how cute that you call him by his real name and not Haechan."

"Well she is his girlfriend so why not?" Lele said. "I have something to tell too! I really was having second thoughts if I will tell you girls or not but since you are fine with Miracle and Haechan dating sl maybe--"

"Just tell us Lele." Jaymee said.

"I was about to but you cut me off." Lele rolled her eyes. "As I was saying. Well uhm...Jisung is my boyfriend now."

Me and Jaymee look at her shock. Weird that Rena looks like she doesn't care about what were talking about right now. She looks like she's not in the mood.

"I thought you hate him?" I ask.

"I did hate him. But as cliche as it sounds, when I got to know him better I started to like him." She said smiling widely.

"We're happy for you Lele." Jaymee said. "I also have something tell you girls."

"What? That you and Jeno are dating already too?" Rena said snapping at her.

Why does she sound mad?

"How did you know?"

"I saw everything Jaymee. I followed him and saw that he was following you. I got curious why so I watch everything that happened?"

"Why do you sound so mad?"

"Because I also have feelings for Jeno!" Rena said and walked out.

Jaymee look shock and hurt.

She started crying. "I didn't know she also has feelings for him. Now Jeno is my boyfriend and for sure she hates me now. I don't wanna lose Rena. She's also my bestfriend." Me and Lele comfort her.

"Just talk things out with her. I'm she doesn't want to lose you too."


So yeah...Rena also has feelings for Jeno

I'll update everyday if I can. This is ending so yeah haha

Sad that this book didn't meet my expected reads but its fine.

I write for fun anyways HAHA

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