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I ran all the way to the school's garden.

That was embarassing but I can't stop myself. It's not my fault I was hurt because of the song. It just makes me remember my memories with Donghyuck oppa.

I already told myself I need to move on but I can't. Specially when I have this special feelings for him.

I love him. Not just love for a friend or family. It's love love.


I was surprise to hear his voice from behind me.

I slowly turn around to face him. I don't care of what I look like right now. I don't care if I look like a mess.

He walks towards me making us stand closer to each other. He's taller than me so I was slightly tilting my head up so I could look at him.

"Why'd you ran away?" He ask looking at me.

"Can't you see? I can't continue the song. So I'm sorry if we'll end up having a bad grade."

"I don't care if we ever get a bad grade. I just wanna know why you ran away. Is it because of the song? If it is then you should have told me sooner so maybe we can change it. You shoul--"

"If I did tell you, you won't believe my reason. Because you forgot all about it!"

I don't what came over me. All I know right now is that I feel mad and frustrated.

It's so unfair! I'm stuck in our memories, I fell in love with him but he doesn't remember anything about me!

"Miracle what do you mean?" He ask.

I took a deep breath before answering his questions.

"You forgot all about me! You promised you won't but you did! I'm Miracle Lee! Your childhood bestfriend. The little girl that likes using her cuteness to win over you! The little girl that cried when you got mad! I'm the one who knows your secret stash of candies in your room and promise not to tell your mom because she'll get mad! I'm the little girl who doesn't know what a crush is!"

He didn't answer. He was just looking at me. With no emotions at all.

"I'm the one that move to Canada. I'm your bestfriend! How could you forget all about that? Is it that easy? If yes then why am I having a hard time moving on from all of that? I wish I had forgotten all about it too. But since I love you and you're importanto me I didn't! I hoped that you didn't too. Now I'm stuck and hurt from all of this! I wanted to hate you but I can't because..."

Should I even tell him?

Ugh fine...

"Because I have a crush on you! Like the one you said to me back when we were young! I don't think this is a crush anymore. I've fallen for you."

"You can't! You can't fall for me!" He cuts me off.

I was surprise to hear that. Hurt even.

"I.... I don't care! I already did." Tears were already spilling from my eyes.

"But I don't have any feelings for you. I don't care about our past Miracle. That's in the past. Now is different. So I think you should just forget about me like what I easily did to you." And he walk away from me.


Everything he said torn me to pieces.


I wrote this while listening to Doyoung's Hard for me. It freaking breaks me...

I just went to the book signing of blue_maiden and I feel so freaking happy to meet my favorite Wattpad author! It was a great experience!

That's why I decided to update because I'm inspired HAHAHA

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