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I felt him kissing my neck. 

My tears starts pouring out my eyes. I closed them and start praying. I tried to kick him and push him but he was too strong. He had a tight grip on me that it hurts.

"Get off her you piece of shit!" I heard someone yelled.

I open my eyes and saw the guy harassing me was already torn of me. He was getting beaten already.

It was Donghyuck.

I just watch them, still crying, but notice the guy has blood on him because of all the punch he receive.

I stood up and tried pulling Donghyuck away from him.

"Yah! Donghyuck stop. Let go of him already." I pulled him from his shoulder. I saw how furious his face looks. Even though we're not okay I still hugged him so he'll stop. "Calm down Donghyuck."

"Let go Miracle! This guy deserves to die."

"No...no... Stop. Just let him go."

"I saw what he was doing to you! Let me--"

"Just let him go!"

"Fine. Get out of here." He pulled the guy up so he could stand up. The guy ran away obviously afraid.

Donghyuck looked at me and start wiping my tears in both cheeks with his thumbs.

"Did he hurt you? Tell me where did he touch you..."

Why is he like this? He look so worried of me. He's very confusing.

That made me cry even more.

"Sshhh stop crying Miracle. I'm here now. Donghyuck oppa is here." And he hug me.

My face was burried on his chest while he rub my back calming me down.

"Donghyuck..." I called him. I look up at him but he was still hugging me, his arms wrap around me. "Why are you like this? No...why did you forget about me? I love you Hyuck but you....you don't."

He stared at me for awhile until....

He kissed me on the lips.



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