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It's already a Tuesday. School hours already end.

I'm here at our living room waiting for the others. The girls except Rena and Haechan's squad are coming over.

We decided to work on our activity for Music Class here.

I'm actually feeling nervous right now.

Haechan's house is just next door. What if when he get's here he'll remember our memories? He'll remember me?

I don't even know why he forgot about me! It's impossible he has amnesia.


Fudge! Is it him?

Okay calm down Miracle. It's just Haechan. It's just Haechan your childhood bestfriend that forgot about you.

I expected to see Haechan when I opened the door but I was wrong since it was the girls.

"Miracle!" They all greeted in unison.

I let them in and all of us sat on the couch on our living room.

"The boys aren't here yet?" Jaymee asked.

"Obviously." Lele said.

I was about to speak when another knock was heard from the door. Okay now I'm sure it's the boys.

It's impossible to be mom and dad when they are at work. Their works ends at night time.

"I'll get it." Jaymee said and ran to the door.

"Why does she look excited?" I ask. Lele just shrugged.

When she came back she has three boys trailing behind her.

"I didn't know you just leave next our house. I should have gotten earlier instead of going to Jeno's." Haechan said.

"But I already told you where I live." I said. "Remember when I was about to leave our classroom but you asked me?"

He didn't answer. Jeno laugh while saying, "He clearly wasn't listening. He was just staring at your pretty face."

Haechan hit him in the arms. "Shut up loser!" While I blushed.

Gosh why does Jeno have to say that? I know it's not true tho. He's just teasing Haechan.

"Okay! Let's start now!" Jaymee announced. "Me and Jeno will work on this side of the room." She said and pulled Jeno near the TV.

Lele and Jisung sat at the long couch. While me and Haechan sat on the floor in front of the mini table.

There was an awkward silence going on between us. I was looking everywhere but him.

"So.." I heard him said and I look at him. "Uhm forget what Jeno said. Don't take it seriously." He said.

"I--I wasn't even planning to." I answered.

He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. "Are you sure?"


He let out a chuckle. "It's okay to be honest Miracle. I know girls like you are attracted to good looking boys like me."

What is he trying to say?

"What do you mean girls like me?" I can feel myself getting annoyed of him.

"Don't act innocent Miracle. When your obviously not." He scoffed.

"Are you trying to say I'm a--"

"A girls that chase after boys and only thinks of boys, boys and boys."

Okay. I have enough.

"I hate you!" I yelled at him and I walk out of the living room.

I went up to my room leaving the five of them.


You don't know how many times I stop myself from using slut or hoe because they are babies! EVEN THO THEY ARE OLDER! HAHAHAHA

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