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"Uhm sorry for the wait. Hi! My name is Miracle Lee, I'm 17. I just move here from Canada. Please be nice to me."

There's something bothering me about this new girl. She's familiar. I can't remember why tho.

I can feel her looking at me from the back. Why the hell is she staring? I know I look good, everyone falls for me, but no need to stare. It's uncomfortable.


Lunch time...

The girls were talking about some gossips while we're eating.

But my mind is elsewhere.

It's all about Lee Donghyuck.

Why did he forgot about me? And why did he change? The Lee Donghyuck I'm seeing right now is not my Donghyuck oppa.

My Donghyuck oppa is sweet and caring, he's a nice person. Not like the Lee Donghyuck I'm seeing right now that's glaring at everyone that look at him.


Gosh I'm zoning out again.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong? Are you feeling well?" Jaymee asked worriedly.

"Yeah. There's just something I'm thinking about."

"You've been acting like that since we told Donghyuck's name to you." Rena smirked.

Lele gasped. "Do you have a crush on Haechan!?"

My eyes went wide. "I don't!"

"But I saw you looking at their table awhile ago." Rena said. "If it's not Haechan then who it is? Is it Jisung or Jeno?"

Jeno!? Donghyuck is still friends with Jeno?

I remember Jeno being our playmate. Does he remember me? Or did he also forget about me?

"I don't have a crush on any of them. I don't even know anything about them except for their names." I denied.

I was lying. Even if Donghyuck or Haechan has forgot about me, I still have a crush on him.

"Then why are you looking at their table?" Lele asked.

Should I tell them the truth? What if they'll think I'm crazy? Nah. They won't. I think I can trust them.

"Well..." I started. "Donghyuck and I were childhood bestfriend."

"What!?" They all said in unison. Causing some people around us look at us.

"Shush!" I said.

"But... how?" Rena.

I told the whole story. About how we met, how we spend our times together-sometimes Jeno tagging along with us-, the reason why I left and about his promise he won't forget about me. Leaving out the 'crush' part. I don't want them to tease me. That'll gain attention.

"I can't believe it." Jaymee said. "But that was so cute!" She squealed.

"Then why aren't you talking with him right now? He hasn't even gave you a single glance except this morning when he bump into you." Rena said.

"I think he forgot about me." I said sadly.

"What an asshole. Forgetting about you and his promise. Don't have hope that he'll remember you because all boys are assholes in our generation." Lele said rolling her eyes.

Jaymee hit her in the arms making Lele glare at her.

"What was that for?"

Jaymee ignored her and look back at me. "Don't mind Lele's bitterness."

"You haven't even experienced having a love life." Rena laugh at Lele.

"It's because I don't want to! Shut up Rena!"

"I'm gonna tell Taeyong oppa of how rude you are! I will also tell Kun oppa and Doyoung oppa!" Rena pouted.

Fear was evident in Lele's eyes upon hearing that. "Oh please don't Rena! I swear I won't do it again." She said and squish Rena in a hug.

I wonder who those oppa's are. Judging by Lele's reaction she seems to be afraid of them. Maybe they are strict oppa's.

"Anyways..." Jaymee said adverting my attention to her. "We'll help you with Donghyuck. So he can remember you."

"Uhm Haechan is an asshole tho. I wouldn't want to talk to him." Lele said.

"Stop referring Haechan as an asshole Lele. That's rude." Jaymee said in a motherly tone making me laugh at them.

"But it's true tho. Haechan and his squad are assholes." Rena said before  taking a bite of her food.

Jaymee groaned. "Whatever. Me and Miracle are talking so both of you shut up before I put packing tapes on your mouth. And go, you can tell the three oppa's! I don't care. They won't scold me."

"Why are you so sure of that?" Lele asked.

"Because I'm Na Jaymee and they love me."

Lele and Rena didn't reply anymore. They just secretly rolled their eyes.

"So Miracle what do you say? We'll or should I say I will help you."

I smiled at Jaymee. "Sure Jaymee."


This is longer than the other chapters. I'm proud.

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