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Me and Lele followed Miracle up her room. We easily know where her room is since her door is pink.

We found her laying on her bed while crying on her pillows.

We sat beside her and I start caressing her hair trying to make her calm.

"Sshh it's okay Miracle.  Just let it all out." I said.

I was saying sweet things when Lele suddenly said,

"Crying will make you ugly."

Well that made Miracle stop from crying. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna scold Lele for unintentionally calling Miracle ugly. I glared at her while she just shrug and hugs Miracle.

"It's okay Miracle. Maybe he doesn't mean it." She said.

She sat up and faced us. Her eyes are only a little red since she didn't cry that long.

She looks cute to be honest.

"Jaymee I don't need your help anymore." She said.

I gave her a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

"I don't need him to remember me anymore. He changed. He's not the Donghyuck I know anymore. And if he really loves me..." She paused trying to stop the tears from falling.

"It's okay to cry Miracle. We're not gonna judge you. Don't mind what Lele just said. That's just her being childish."

"Hey! I was trying to help!" Lele glared at me while I glared back.

But we stop from glaring each other when he heard Miracle crying again.

"If he really loves and cares for me--- He won't forget about me. He wouldn't change." She said and wipe her tears away but it just won't stop from spilling.

I feel bad for her. I can see how she really loves and cares for Haechan. But that jerk forgot about her breaking his promise.

Gosh! He's making my blood boil.

I know I just met Miracle but I know she's a nice girl. That's why I wanted to be friends with her the moment I saw her. And I wanna be there for her in moments like this. To comfort her.


Happy Birthday to our Taeyong~

I'm stress AF but because it's his birthday here's an update😆 Even tho he has not appeared in this story yet

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