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Miracle was taking too long in the bathroom. I felt worried since something might have happened to her already.

I'm so stupid to let her go alone. It's her first time here of course she won't know where the bathroom is.

I opened the bathroom door not expecting what I just saw.

It was Lee Jeno making out with a girl from our school.

He turned to me and saw me. I just rolled my eyes at them and slam the door shut.

I can't believe this.

Pfft. What did I even expected from him? He is known as the school's playboy anyways.

I shouldn't have like him from the start.

I like him ever since our first year in highschool. I like him for a long time already.

But he doesn't.

I'm Na Jaymee. Every boy goes head over heels for me. But why not him?

I tried making him jealous by flirting with some boys when he's around but it doesn't look like it works.

I went upstairs to go to the terrace to relax myself but saw Haechan and Miracle hugging each other tightly while swaying slowly.

Well I gotta give them space. I don't want to ruin their moment. 

I was supposed to head back downstairs but when I turn around I saw Jeno standing in the stairs. 

"What do you want?" I ask, venom in my voice.

"What you saw back ther--"

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone from school." I tried to pass him but he put hold on my arms. I look at him with a glare. "Let go of me Jeno. Why are you so afraid that I would tell anyone? You are known as the school's playboy."

Yeah he is the school's playboy. He doesn't sleep with girls or get in their pants. He sometimes make out with some of the girls that likes him. Flirts with everyone in school but never me.

Calling me nicknames isn't flirting! If you did remember back when we were doing our project.

"I don't care about what they'll think about me. What I need to know is what you felt when you saw me there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you felt jealous?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I like you Jaymee! So I wanna know if that made you jealous."

Is he playing with me?

"Yes that made me jealous because I like you! I have feelings for you! But do you expect me to believe you that you really like me?  Your a playboy!"

"Did you also expect me to believe you that you like me too when you always act cute in every boy I saw you talk to?"

"Well I'm sorry then! That was my way to make you jealous so maybe I can get your attention."

"Then stop it now! I don't like it. You can only act cute when your with me and you can only flirt with me."


Why did I suddenly felt nervous?

"Because I'm asking you now if you want to be my girlfriend?"

I look at him wide eyed. Is he serious?

He let out a chuckle. "You look cute right now."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course yes."

I gave him my most beautiful smile. "Then I'll be your girlfriend Mister Lee." And I wrap my arms around his neck.

He smiled back and pull me closer by hugging my waist.

"That's nice to hear Miss Na."

The school's playboy and the school's flirt dating? Sounds nice.


I can't stop myself from making this chapters longer than I intended to.

But yeah NoMin. Or in this book NoMee? HAHA

I heard about the accident that happened to Haechan and Winwin. I hope they are getting proper treatment.

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