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Finally! It's time for Music Class. I really look forward to this class since it's my favorite.

Fact about me, I can sing and rap.

The teacher walk in smiling at all of us. "Hello there class! I'm Mrs. Jeon your Music teacher."

Then she start explaining things about her class. Everyone was listening to her. She looks really nice. She's all smiles.

"As your first activity in my class. I'm going to pair all of you, boys and girls. You'll perform any chosen song you want in front of this class."

Everybody look nervous. I am too. I did sing in front of others when I was in Canada but I'm in Korea now. Means different people since I'm new in this class. 

Also I'm gonna be paired with a boy!

"Performance will be on Friday."

Then she start calling out names on who'll be paired with who.

"Zhong Lele and Park Jisung."

Lele groaned beside me.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

She lean close to me to whisper. "He's this boy sitting in front of me. He's friends with Haechan! He's so arrogant."

"It sounds like you hate him." I giggled.

"Because I do!" She shout-whispered.

"Na Jaymee and Lee Jeno."

Jaymee look at the boy in front of her , who I guess is Jeno. He also look at her then give her a wink. Jaymee rolled her eyes taking her look off him.

"Huang Rena and Park Chaemin."

Rena smiled at a boy near her. The boy look away and blushed.

I SAW THAT! He looks like he has a crush on her.

"Miracle Lee and Lee Donghyuck."

What? Who am I paired with again? Did I hear right?

"Oh my! You're paired with Haechan!" Jaymee squealed in my ears.

"Yah! Jaymee you're so loud."

"But you're paired with LEE DONGHYUCK." She said putting exaggeration on her tone when she mentioned his name. "Don't act like it's nothing to you."

"I'm nervous as fudge!"

"I thought you were gonna swear!"

"That doesn't even matters right now." I deadpanned said.

But fudge! I'm paired with Lee Donghyuck! My used to be bestfriend who forgot about me.

I'm facing a crisis right now since I don't know how to react on this. I can't even get close to him without getting nervous. How more if I talk to him?

"Now I want you to discuss with your partners right now."

Jisung, Haechan and Jeno just turned their sits to face us. While Rena has to switch seats since Chaemin sits far.

Sad that she's not with us.

"So.." Jisung said breaking the silent.

I was looking everywhere but Donghyuck. Or should I call him Haechan now?

"Are you just gonna stare at your notebook forever?" I heard him say.

Okay. Breath in, breath out Miracle. You can do this!

I divert my look to him and I regret it because I was suddenly trying to catch my breath. Not really exaggerating here.

This is the first time I got to have a good look at him since I came back. He looks much more handsome now.

"I know I'm handsome. Now quit staring." He said rolling his eyes before resting his chin on his palm.

Oh. He is also arrogant and rude.

"So what song do you want us to sing?" He asked.

"Uhm.. I'm okay with anything. It's up to--"

"Just chose."

My eyebrows start meeting. I'm hating this attitude change of his.


It's up to you who you wanna be Chaemin is. Because he's totally made up.

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