25 /Last Chapter/

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"You sure you're not coming with us?"

"Yeah. We're going on a date." Donghyuck answered Jaymee's question and hang his arm around Miracle's shoulder.

"Okay then. Have fun on your date. Bye!" Rena said and they all left the two.

"Where are we going exactly?" Miracle ask as she let her boyfriend pull her towards his car.

"It's a surprise baby." He smiled at her and open the door for her.

"Where are we?"

They were standing in front a house. It doesn't look too big but it'll fit a small family in it.

"This is ours now."

Miracle gasp. "What are you talking about?"

"I bought this for us. This is near the University you're going and also near at the mini studio I have with Jeno and Jisung."

"So we will be living together?"

Donghyuck nod.

Miracle couldn't handle her excitement, attacking Donghyuck with a hug.

"Thank you so much baby. I love you so much." And she planted a kiss on his lips.

Only separating when they needed air already.

"But how about my parents? I don't know if they are fine with this." She said worried.

"Don't worry. I already ask their permission. They're fine with it." He said and kiss the tips of her nose. "Let's go inside?" She nod.

When they went in, Miracle didn't expect a table with foods. There's also candles litten up.

"Mind if I take you on a date right here right now?"

"I'd love to." Miracle giggled.

They ate dinner while talking about random stuffs.

"Donghyuck.." She called out for him.

"Yes baby?"

"Thank you for everything. You don't know how much you made me so happy. I'm glad to have you as my boyfriend as well as my bestfriend. You are the best thing that happened to me. I love you so much."

"I love you too. You are my angel, my miracle."

And they sealed the night with a kiss.

This book finally done and I am proud...

A book 2 perhaps? Hm let's see ;)

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