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"Take care girls! Be home before midnight." My parents waved us goodbye before closing the door.

Jaymee's older brother was giving us a ride there.

I felt nervous when I saw Lucas' house. I can hear the noise already and there's already a lot of people there.

"Thanks for the ride Jaehyun oppa!" Jaymee said and kiss her brother on the cheeks.

"Anything for my baby sister."

"I'm not a baby anymore."

"But still act like one." He laugh then turn serious looking at all of us now. "Stay out of trouble and Jaymee no boys."

We went out the car. Jaymee smiling at her brother. "No promises tho oppa." And close the door of the car.

Gosh. Jaymee and her love for flirting.

I notice that she likes acting cute in front of boys. When I ask her why, she just answered with a smile then look at somewhere. I never bother to look where she's looking tho.

But I feel like she's making someone jealous.

People from our school were scattered in every corner of Lucas' house.

Some were drinking others dancing. Some were even making out on the couch. Seriously? Can't they do it somewhere more private?

Rena and Lele already went on the dance floor. While me and Jaymee were left sitting in another couch away from those horny teens making out.

I wasn't really in the mood to party.

"Hey Jaymee. You can join them if you want."

"Oh no worries Miracle. I don't really like dancing in parties. I just sit and watch."

At least she's on the same page as me.

"Let me excuse myself for awhile Jaymee. I need to go to the bathroom." She just nod and I left her there.

I was having a hard time squeezing myself in the crowds of people. I don't even know where the bathroom is.

I should have made Jaymee come with me.

All of a sudden, somebody grab my wrist and pull me.

Who is this person?

I felt nervous.

What if it's a drunk boy planning something--

I should stop.

But when we were already in a corner. A little bit away from the crowd. I already saw who the person is.

"Didn't I told you not to come?"

Yeah. Donghyuck again.

"Didn't I told you I'm not gonna listen to you?" I snap back at him.

"Going to this party is not a good idea Miracle."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because...it doesn't matters why. I told you not to come. Something bad might happen to you."

"Now you're acting like you care when months ago you stop talking to me!" 

"Miracle plea--"

"Is there something wrong here?" Lucas suddenly appear.

Donghyuck glared at him. "Mind your own business."

"Oh Lucas! I was just looking for you!" I lied. I just need to get out of here.


"Yeah. I saw you have a terrace upstairs. You don't mind if we stay there, right?"

"Oh yeah. Sure."

I look at Donghyuck and there was something in his eyes that I can't decipher.


This is lame HAHAHA

But can we all just appreciate their damn good looking visuals like-- they are so adorable and cute I love them

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But can we all just appreciate their damn good looking visuals like-- they are so adorable and cute I love them

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