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I couldn't believe that rude boy that bump into me and called me retard was Donghyuck oppa!

So that's why he look familiar.

"Earth to Miracle!" I was snapped out of my daze when Lele yelled in front of my face. Gosh she's loud.

"Oh sorry. What was that you were saying?"

"Rena asked you what class you're in but it seems like you zone out because you're not answering." Jaymee said.

"Oh. I'm in class 4-A. I don't know where the room is tho since I'm new. I'm lost."

I raised one of my eyebrows at them when they all smiled at me creepily.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Well you're coming with us." Lele said then they pulled me.

I let them drag me to who knows where until we arrived in a room.

"You're lucky you are in this class." Jaymee said. "Because the three of us are here too."

"And since you look nice and not just like those bitches then we want you to be our friend." Rena said.

"We're sitting at the back!" Lele said and run towards the back that has four sits.

The seat arrangement was: Rena-Lele-Me-Jaymee.

We were chatting, them getting to know me better until our first lecturer came in.

"Good morning class!" We all greet her back. "I'm Ms. Byun, your Statistics teacher."

I mentally groaned. It's too early in the morning to deal with Stats.

"So let's start by introdu--" she was cut of when the door opened. Revealing three boys. She glared at them. "Nothing changed to the three of you. Still irresponsible and slacking off."

The boys ignore her. They walk towards the empty seats which happened to be in front of us.

I gulp nervously when Donghyuck oppa sat at the armchair in front of me.

Wait? Should I still call him oppa? Maybe I can still do but just with myself. I can't call him oppa in front of others now.

Why does it looks like he doesn't remember me? He was looking at me, he could clearly see my whole face when he bump into me. But why didn't he recognize me?

Did he forget about me? But he promised he wouldn't. He said he won't forget since I was his crush.

But why is he acting like he doesn't know me now!?

"Miracle! It's your turn to introduce yourself!" Jaymee nudge me.

I quickly stood up. "Uhm sorry for the wait. Hi! My name is Miracle Lee, I'm 17. I just move here from Canada. Please be nice to me." I said and sat down.

"This is your second time zoning out. Are you okay?" Jaymee asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah. This is nothing." I lied.

I'm really bothered by the fact that Lee Donghyuck doesn't remember me.


I'm gonna end this here because if I make it longer it'll get messed up.

Happy birthday to our full sun Haechan❤️

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