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"Oh my god Jaehyun tagged me!" Taeyong screamed out loud, earning many stares from the other people in the cafe. Taeil and Sicheng tried to calm their friend down before they'd have to leave, but it didn't seem to be working so they quickly got him outside.

"Taeyong, you've have to calm down. What happens the day you meet him, you don't wanna scare him away like his do you?" Taeyong looked at Taeil, he always had a way with words and it was quite calming for Taeyong and Sicheng.

"... No.." Taeyong said breathing heavily. He was still surprised. He had never felt so, so honored. His idol, literally the person he loves with all his heart, tagged him.

"It's not a big deal, Hyung." Sicheng said while walking off. He wasn't one to be around loud noises a lot, and often left when his friends were being loud.

"Oh wow, okay, maybe I am being a little loud.. But how could anyone be quiet when something like this happens?"

"Come on, Taeyong, let's get you home." Taeil sighed pulling the younger by his wrist. Taeyong used his other hand to go through the other comments on Johnny's post and noticed Renjun wanted his private account.

He was nervous but still switch to his private account and messaged Renjun telling him it was him. Renjun immediately sent a thank you back.

They made it back safely to Taeyong's apartment without anymore of his fanboy outbursts. But then he suddenly got a notification from his private instagram.

hey cutie

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