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Dream meet-up + YangYang welcoming

"Okay, so lemme get this straight. Yangyang is this supposed to be this cute angel and Lucas, you still want to be in dream?" Donghyuk questioned sitting on the floor looking at the older Chinese boy.

"I mean, yeah." Donghyuk scoffed at the answer.

"Okay, look here you ugly hoe. As much as he could be in dream he won't be. Know why? Because ninety nine line would only have what, a year or two left."

"That's enough time for at least two comebacks, ding Donghyuk." Jaemin smiled, very satisfied by his own words.

"Woah, sis. Jaemin, I thought we were friends- you know what, who cares. I'm older than you, call me Hyung." Donghyuk rolled his eyes.

"I'm not calling you that. You're supposed to do that if you respect the older person." Donghyuk was left with no words.

"So then I can call him Donghyuk only then?" Chenle said looking at the two. All heads in the room turned to his at a speed faster than the speed light.

"No. Chenle Hyung, you can't call Donghyuk Hyung but just his name. He's a year older. Jaemin Hyung's rule only applies if you're the same year." Jisung said. He was worried his foreign friend would get his ass kicked by Donghyuk.

"Okay...... So, truth be told... I invited Yangyang here ten minutes ago and he just texted me saying he's outside..?" Lucas said. Or at least he tried to, it was more so a question.

"Let him in! Someone I don't have to call Hyung!"

"Chenle, he was born in two thousand."

"Well fuck me."

"I'm not Renjun, and he bottoms anyway."

"I don't!"

"Chenle, you... You bottom for Renjun?"

"Hell no."

"Fuck you, Donghyuk." Renjun sighed and turned his back to the other.

"Can I buy this drama? It sounds really good." Mark said sipping on his sprite. Jeno nodded along with the Canadian.

"Okay, children this is Yangyang." The seven boys turned to look at Lucas and the boy beside him.

"Oh my gosh! Sicheng Ge made a good choice adopting him." Renjun said with wide eyes.

Yangyang was unbelievable pretty. Tan skin like Donghyuk, caramel hair, pretty round eyes of the average American male with a slight slant, a cute nose, and thin lips that weren't the thinnest but also weren't the thickest.

"Bitch. He looks like Edward from Twilight."

"Jesus, Dongyuck! Do you always have to ruin the- holy shit I can see it." Jeno did attempt to yell at the other but it didn't work.

"Excuse you my name is Donghyuk. Dong. Hyuk."

"I'm sorry about my friends. I'm Renjun. Lucas and Mark may be the oldest two in this room, but I am definitely the most responsible." Renjun said sticking his hand out to the new person.

"Hello, Ge. It's nice to meet you." Yangyang said bowing to the older.

"Oh my god, his voice. Renjun, I have a new kink." Chenle chided in, slipping his arms around this fiancé's waist.

"Ew, you dirty hoe."

"Jisung you don't speak Chinese stop thinking you know what Chenle says."

"Excuse you, I don't speak Chinese but Chenle taught me the basics." Jisung and Jaemin were arguing once again. Not much of a surprise at this point though, right?

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