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scene one: flowers (korean in italics)

"Sicheng, is translating for Yuta gonna be hard for you? I could always help out." His mother asked him. He shook his head and pulled Yuta close to him by his waist.

"Never. I don't mind it. Besides its not like he'll be left alone with any of you guys, no offence."

"None taken. Are you though? Your aunt and I could always help."

"So could Kun Ge and the others. Mom, seriously, it's fine." She sighed and nodded. Her son was always hard headed and always declined help. She walked out and up the stairs to her designated room.

"Why'd you get all protective? What did she say?" Yuta questioned.

"Nothing important. Just offered to help translating for you." The Japanese nodded and moved away from the youngers grip.

"Let's go on a walk. Show me all of your favorite places." The Chinese smiled. They went upstairs to their room and got dressed for the warm weather. The two left the house hand in hand and began the way to Sicheng's favorite places. They arrived in what Yuta knew as the Yu Garden in pictures he'd seen. They walked around the entire location before Sicheng took him to the next place. Zhujajiao water tour of the city was what Sicheng took Yuta to next.

They got on a boat and Sicheng listened to everything the tour guide said then translated it back to Yuta. It was about an hour and a half long and when they got off Sicheng had one more place in mind.

"What's this place? I've never seen it on the internet before?"

"Its my family's flower garden. I only started helping out six years ago. Its beautiful right?"

"Yeah... Has your family ever thought about hosting events here? Like weddings?" Yuta didn't look at Sicheng at all but he bent down to play with the petals of a red tulip.

"No... You know, each and every plant here has a meaning." Sicheng said. He noticed what flower had Yuta was playing with and couldn't help but think about its meaning. Yuta looked up at him while still touching the petals.

"I like this one. What does it mean?" Sicheng equated down by the man and looked closely at the plant. A smile broke across his face.

"It means passion and perfect love." Yuta's lips quirked upward. His hands slid to the base of stem and his fingers wrapped around it. He thought about it and looked at Sicheng for confirmation. The boy smiled and nodded allowing Yuta to pull the flower carefully from the ground.

"Can we wait for the new year here?"

"Yeah... I'm sure I could arrange something." The younger answered in Chinese although Yuta understood only the "yeah" part.

"I didn't understand anything after yes."

"Hm. Stay here, I need to make a call." Sicheng got up and walked to the front gates of the garden.

"Hello? Renjun? Wheres my mother?"

"She isn't here. She went shopping for drinks."

"Who went with her? She isn't allowed to go places alone."

"Kun Ge and one of your cousins. I can't remember her name, sorry." Her?

"Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"When will you guys get back?"

"Pretty soon. Bye." With that he hung up. He began to dial Kun's number but before he pressed the call but button he walked back near Yuta to see how he was doing. He had moved a little farther into the garden and squatted by was on his phone with a determined look painted on his face with typing something in. He had the tulip he'd picked earlier tucked behind his ear and only now did Sicheng notice his other hand brushing over coriander. Sicheng smiles and walks over to peek over his shoulder. Unlucky for him, the others phone language is in Japanese. He squats down behind the other and whispers in his ear.

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