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my second (third) family

Jeno brought Jaemin to Icheon for the big family meeting. Also what Jeno failed to mention was that Jaemin's whole family would be joining them. At least he told Jaemin's parents a week before he told Jaemin so they knew and were prepared.

"Jeno, were you lying when you said he was a confident gay?" Jeno's mother asked playfully. Jaemin's jaw dropped. The entire time he'd been quite nervous so he didn't act how he normally did. But he really didn't expect Jeno's mom to know gay slang.

"Jeno was telling the truth. He's just being shy."

"Mom!" Jaemin whined. Yesung rolled his eyes and ruffled his sons hair.

"So Jaemin, what kind of jobs are you interested in?"

"Uh, I really like dancing. Maybe a choreographer. Ooh, teaching kids would be great. Haeunnie loves dancing."

"Chase your dreams. At first we didn't want Jeno to become a singer. We wanted him to be a lawyer. But after he was accepted by SM we figured he had a chance so we let him and look at how happy he is."

"Let's stop the interogating for now. Boys go on and do whatever. Haeun, would you like to colour and watch television?" Jeno's mother asked the little girl. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Jeno took Jaemin by his hand and dragged him upstairs to his room and quietly closed the door.

"That wasn't so bad."

"They fucking love you and your family." Jeno was so happy. His parents usually didn't like the people he was interested in. It was important that they loved Jaemin.

"Of course they do. Everyone does." Jaemin said as he put his arms around Jeno's neck. Jeno placed his hands on Jaemin's waist in return.

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I love you too. I think I make that obvious though." Jaemin smiled. Jeno smiled back and leaned down to press their lips together. Soft and slow was their usual tempo. They don't want anyone to mess up theirs tempo.


"Mrs. Park, I will personally tuck Jisung in and send you pictures. He's so cute, isn't he?" Jungwoo smiled brightly. He reached to Jisung who was staring at him like he was crazy and pinched his cheeks.

"Yes, please take care of my baby. Actually, I think I should get to know you a little bit before I just leave my baby here for the week." Jungwoo's smile faltered slightly bit he managed to laugh it off. Jisung strictly told him not to mention anything about being gay. Or anything that has to do with gay. They walked into Jungwoo's dining room and sat at the table. Jisung and his mom did, Jungwoo went to get them water.

"Okay, what would you like to know about me?" He asked when he came back.

"Just a couple things... Job, family life, age, legal name, how long you've been living here, and are you seeing anyone and will they be visiting while Jisung is here?" Jungwoo processed every word slowly and thought carefully of what to say.

"I work as a clerk in a clothing department. I'm close with both of my parents and have an older brother and two younger sisters. I will turn twenty one in February and my full name is Kim Jungwoo. I've been living in this complex for one and a half years. I've owned it for two but I was living with my friend for a while because he was going through things. I am seeing someone and they are going out of the country for the rest of the year so there will be no visits from them." Jisung's mother looked completely satisfied with what she heard.

"I guess my little bird can stay here. You seem like a very sweet and very responsible man... Oh, actually, how did you two meet?" They were so close. So close to getting her gone and enjoying their holiday. Neither had an answer but Jisung was an amazing compulsive liar so he had no problem making something up.

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