684 25 16

china is superior

dolphinluver should we add ten

henhang uhh no why

moomin he's a chinese kid through roots but his family keep gettin birthed in thailand

qiank i mean we have you three we don't need anymore

winwinie lol

dolphinluver im offended

moomin ^^

henhang ^^^

winwinie added count2ten to the chat

shaodj Betrayal.

winwinie ikr lol

count2ten ohhhh im included ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

gnaygnay ('▽)

count2ten (・ω・*)

gnaygnay ()

count2ten ('∀`)

xuxi.sushi uwu

gnaygnay happiness! hello we are red velvet. stan us. stan red velvet.(・ω<)

henhang yes sir !

gnaygnay also stan clc. queen eunbin needs love.

count2ten i have to agree eunbin needs love buuuttttt it's queen yeeun

winwinie uhh no queen elkie

shaodj Queen Seunghee.

xuxi.sushi lol sorn is the queen wym

moomin it's queen seungyeon right chenle

count2ten chenle ???

henhang oh my god


dolphinluver what who died

shaodj Where did you go?

dolphinluver i was translating a call for my mum

moomin oh lit so whose the queen in clc??

dolphinluver talking to me??

count2ten yes

dolphinluver oh well we all know that the queen is me lol

henhang we be the serious bro ://

dolphinluver well in that case it's king elkie and queen sorn

winwinie swoosh

xuxi.sushi yeeT bithces

gnaygnay boi.

henhang lmao ur boi sed b i t h c e s

qiank sorry about him he can't spell

dolphinluver noticed

xuxi.sushi i smell attitude

dolphinluver be quiet BITHC

moomin uwu i love a strong assertive man

count2ten read that as insert carry on

shaodj Wow. Gay minds like yours are unbelievable.

qiank preach

gnaygnay shh. everyone's favorite baby is going to sleep now. good night!

oh look a special update lol

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