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jisung *trigger(?) warning*

"Jisung!" His mother called from downstairs. The boy groaned and put down his soccer magazine to go see what his mother needed. He walked ever so slowly down the stairs and around the corner.his mother was probably in the living room per usual and was going to ask him to check on something irrelevant. He walked in the living room and prepared to say his usual mantra of 'whatever it is how will it benefit me and why am I doing it if you're already down here?' but he saw both of his older brothers and his mind went straight to a happy place.

"Hyungs!" He yelled in joy before running over to both men and hugging them. Jinyoung actually brought his boyfriend over and their mother was making continuous unnecessary faces of disgust towards both of them.

"Mark Hyung! I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been? Oh, and how was Christmas in America?" Jisung the man as he dragged him upstairs to him room. He would've stayed there if his mother suppressed her faces but it irritated him and he didn't want the poor guy to go through that. Again. That part of the reason he never sees Mark. He never comes over with Jinyoung because the things his mother says and does.

"I've been fine. Christmas was fun too. You know Jinyoung went with me right?" Jisung's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

"I would've wanted to go." He pouted. Mark laughed at the pout.

"My parents don't speak much Korean. It would be hard to communicate."

"I speak English! I would have been fine." Mark's expression gives away how surprised he is.

"How did you learn? And when? Jinyoung said he was the only one practicing."

"He left his books in his room on his bookshelf. I took them and studied with them and then Mark Hyung helped me practice."

"Jinyoung has been looking for those books since he moved in." Mark laughed again. Jinyoung moved into Mark's apartment a few years ago when he was twenty and two years of dating. Jisung began rambling about his life and all the events taking place now that he's close to the members of NCT which Mark didn't believe for a moment until Jisung showed pictures of him with them, mostly Kun, and the video of their messy live stream from a few months back. They kept talking about their lives, Jisung occasionally throwing some English in the conversation to impress the older until they heard sudden yelling going back and forth between Jinyoung, Sungjin, and Jisung's mother. It was muffled through the floor and Jisung had his door closed thank god because he and Mark both knew why the yelling was happening and neither wanted hear it.

"You still haven't told her, I assume." Mark says sadly.

"Yeah. She already hates it when Hyung comes alone but with you around its worse. And don't get me wrong you're a really fun and cool dude but she's always yelling about it, even when you guys aren't here." Jisung frowned. She was a loving mother to he and Sungjin, but it always seemed that she could care less about what happens to Jinyoung.

"When you do come out, do you think she'll blame it on Jinyoung? You guys alway used to hang around each other before he moved out." Jisung didn't hesitate with his answer.

"No, and if she does pull the 'it's all his fault that you're like this' card, then I'll tell her I've been gay before he came out, which is true." Mark looked relatively shocked, yells still heard in the background.

"How old were you?"

"Eleven. There was this really, really cute boy in my class. I'll never forget his face, he wasn't fully Korean. I think he was part Mexican or something, doesn't matter though he was just really cute." Jisung smiled to himself as he remembered the kid. Mark laughed and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the bedroom door be slammed open.

"Mark, Jisung, let's go." Sungjin said. His eyebrows were arched angrily and his voice was strictly serious. Both males got up without a word and as they made their way downstairs the yells got clearer.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GAVE BIRTH TO SOMETHING LIKE YOU!" Jisung froze in his spot by the front door. His mind was going a million miles an hour as he thought about what his mother just said. She basic just said that if she knew Jinyoung would turn out gay she would've gotten an abortion. Does that mean when she finds out Jisung is gay she'll say the same thing? She also referred to him as a thing and not a person. Without him even noticing, his eyes started to water at the thought of not having Jinyoung around. Tears slipped out and Mark was quick to pull him into a hug the moment he started sobbing. The yelling behind them stopped and a string of cuss words in English were let out as both his mother and brother rushed over him.

"Why is he crying?"

"I don't know but when she said she couldn't believe she had you, he froze up." The woman couldn't understand a word of English but she didn't care and tried to get to her son that Mark kept moving out of her reach.

"Get off of my son, you queer!" She raised her voice towards Mark and reached for Jisung again. Jisung cried harder after she called Mark queer and held onto him tighter.

"Hey, Jisung. Come on, calm down. Your fine." Mark repeated these words and rubbed the boy's back.

"I want t- to see K- Kun." Mark smiles and carries the boy out of the hose.

Yeah, Jisung couldn't wait for his birthday. He'd finally get out of that house.

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