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"I can't believe we're in a group chat with our freaking idols!" Chenle squeals to his friends. Jaemin shakes his head and smiles.

"Little Chenle is so cute." Jisung coos.

"Yah, I am your Hyung! Show me some respect." Jisung puts his hands up in defense. Mark and Jaemin smile and laugh as they watch it all unfold, their weird friendship.

"Come on, were here already. Stop goofing around." Mark said as they reached the local cafe. They didn't tell anyone but, Jeno, Donghyuk, Renjun, and Kun agreed to meet them. Kun was really only coming because he wanted to make sure that the younger three didn't get into too much trouble. The four boys took a seat in the seats farthest away from the door, and most people's eyes. They sat for what was only minutes, yet seemed like hours, before the bell on the front door of the cafe rung, signaling that someone entered. In walked the idols of NCT and now Jisung could hardly keep in his excitement.

"Hi, are you guys Mark, Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin?" Kun asked lowly once they reached the table. Jisung was going to answer but he couldn't move at all.

"Yes, that would be us." Jaemin said as he plucked the youngest of them all's head.

"I didn't do anything!"

"You were supposed to answer, asshat."

"Excuse me? Jaemin Hyung, you're getting a little too bold." Jisung spoke back, starting the argument between the two.

"We're going to be good friends." Donghyuk said as he sat in between Jaemin and Mark. Jaemin smiled at the older boy before going back to whisper yelling at Jisung.

"So, who's who?" Kun smiled awkwardly taking the other seat beside Jisung.





The other four nodded and took their seats.

"So who's the fan account for each member?" Renjun questioned, his bright smile still on his face.

"That's the first thing you ask? They're probably uncomfortable." Kun said shaking his head.

"No don't worry about it, it doesn't bother us to answer you're questions. For me it's Renjun Gege." Chenle winked to the older, causing him to blush.

"Uhm, we'll assume you said Renjun Hyung was for you then?" Jeno eyes the younger. Chenle smiles and nods.

"And since my friends are babies, I'll tell you that Jaemin Hyung's account is for Jeno Hyung, Jisung's is for Kun Gege, and Mark Hyung for Donghyuk Hyung." He smiled and winked again. He knew his friends would kill him when they left later but that's okay because he got to expose them.

"Aw, Jaemin is blushing, he's so cute." Jeno squeals quietly to Donghyuk. Well, he thought he was quiet but the whole table heard him, making Jaemin's face a darker shade of red. Donghyuk plucks the younger and shakes his head.

"You can't whisper for shit." He says as the table watches Jeno's face change from confusion to realization. He covered his face as he felt it heating up.

"Oh well, since were talking about who's cute, I don't know how Jaemin got on that list but whatever makes you-"

"ANYWAYS, why don't we go to the park after this? It's a nice day."

"Sounds great, but I don't really feel like having a bunch of people ask for my autograph." Donghyuk said.

"Let's take them to the dorms then." Renjun smiled.

"Are you absolutely insane? Why would we do that? They'll know where we live, Renjun."

"I'm gonna be honest and tell you that Jaemin lowkey used to stalk Jeno and always made us come with, so we kinda know where you live already." Chenle said while glaring at Jaemin, the Jaemin and the other Koreans who all sat around confused.

"Well then. I was exposed in a whole other language. I think I was anyways."

"Yes, he exposed you."

"Wait, what happened?" Jeno questioned.

"Nothing you need to worry about, child." Renjun spoke again smiling a little wider.

"You're older by literally a month!" Jeno whined back.

"Okay, Yuta said we can go to the dorms. Johnny doesn't mind." Kun said as he stood up to get his things and began heading toward the front door.

"Wait for us, Hyung!" Jisung called out and ran to the oldest. The others looked at each other before pairing up and leaving the cafe as well.

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