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a merican thanksgiving (see what i did there :))

For the holiday of Thanksgiving, the members of NCT would be migrating to Jeju along with their own parents to have the feast with Donghyuk's family. Every year they went to someone else's home for Thanksgiving. Christmas too maybe, but they usually did that with their own families.

Most members wanted to spend time with their boyfriends or love interests but they all had plans.

It was strange how Thanksgiving worked for NCT. Generally the boys would arrive in Jeju before their parents but that didn't happen last year. The parents in China would meet up and travel first class together. All the Korean members parents were spread around the country and would come when they came. Both Yoonoh and Johnny have parents that travel a lot, especially together, and they'd all have to leave a day earlier than the China line's parents or the parents already in the country if they were out the country.

Currently, everyone is in Jeju right now. There was a way the house functioned when it was this many people; The mothers, Yoonoh, and Kun cooked while the fathers and the other guys played games.

No matter who's house they were in Johnny and Yoonoh's families were mainly in charge of the cooking. And that's only said as Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the United States where both lived for a while. They taught the other mothers a lot about how to cook the American foods in case one them fell sick one year during the holiday.

"Donghyuk, you little shit!" Jeno yelled chasing after the boy. Donghyuk laughed as he ran around his front yard to not get caught by the slightly older boy. Doyoung sighed at the scream from Jeno.

"Okay, okay. Why are we running around and cussing?" He asked while pushing Donghyuk, gently, to fall. Jeno took his chance and jumped onto Donghyuk. He wasn't punching him so it would hurt, he'd never, especially with his mom around. He was giving him light punches that weren't too light to the point Donghyuk couldn't feel them. The younger laughed from beneath the weight of the older and did try to push him off. The key word: try. Donghyuk did the one thing he usually did when Jeno was attacking him with punches or tickles him: a quick light peck on lips. Before you ask, no, this isn't them cheating. They did tell Mark and Jaemin that they had a habit to peck each other when they were playing around and the other wouldn't stop. Their boyfriends were very understanding and agreed that as long as it was just when they were bothering each other like they said it shouldn't cause problems. The first time they did it was a complete accident. At least that's what Donghyuck told Jeno when it happened.

(One day six years ago, Jeno and Donghyuk were, and still are best friends, playing a game of tag. Jeno caught Donghyuk and had began to tickle the boy even after Donghyuk's protests in laughter. The younger had the brilliant idea to kiss Jeno and he did. Jeno had froze up and stopped tickling the other but his face made Donghyuk laugh more which was what he was trying to stop in the first place. Donghyuk told him that it was an accident but he'd do that every time Jeno bothered him. He kept true to his word.)

"Alright, alright, get up the ground is dirty. Now you both need showers." Doyoung groaned.

"We don't need them. You just want us to take them."

"Renjun, Jeno has a smart mouth again." Doyoung turned behind him. Jeno quickly got off of Donghyuk. Renjun walked over oh so calmly and smiled.

Never a good sign.

"What's going on here?"

"Jeno isn't listening." Jeno took a small step back. Donghyuk got up of the grass and eased his way into the house to take a quick shower.

"Jeno, sweet, sweet, Jeno. Perhaps you should just do whatever Doyoung Hyung asks you to do for your own safety." Jeno was so incredibly lucky. Renjun almost never passed up a chance to hit him but here he was letting Jeno go.

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