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Liked by taesmiles, taeil.moon, jaefreed, osakaprince, purebunny, canadabxch, snoopy, and 1,000,073 others

winwinie since im in such a good mood,, let's look back to when taeyong had pink hair,, this was my favorite taeyong,, he was so much quieter back then

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taesmiles you asshat,, exposing me in all my glory
taeil.moon i like him in silver
canadabxch his home screen is him in green??? i sent it to myself,, so aesthetic
jaefreed woah
purebunny jaehyun screenshots every pic of him lmaoo #exposejaehyun2k18
osakaprince who tf uses 2k anything anymore @purebunny
eyesmiles the pink is nicee
snoopy i want to see the green and silver ! @taeil.moon @canadabxch

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