956 28 6

china is superior

dolphinluver added moomin, qiank, winwinie, xuxi.sushi, and 3 others to the chat

dolphinluver welcome to china

qiank this is a gc sweetie

henhang it's always the moms that ruin the fun amirite

dolphinluver yes you are v right

gnaygnay v?

shaodj Very.

gnaygnay oh, i see.

moomin chenle why did you make ANOTHER gc?? im in three counting this

dolphinluver and im in four owell

qiank why are you in four???

dolphinluver yknow,, jaesung

qiank hehfujejendbx oh yeah

shaodj not to seem rude, but why am i here?

moomin !!!!

xuxi.sushi for the first time in six years,,,, xiao dejun types in lapslock

shaodj Oh wow.

qiank interesting,, well these three are here so they're part of the family now

winwinie oh shit run while you mfs can

gnaygnay mfs?

shaodj Can we not teach the baby such words?

winwinie my mistake,, it means my friend

gnaygnay i see.

moomin fa la la la la la la la la

henhang somebody come get her

qiank him*

henhang sorry mum (:

winwinie you seem greasy

henhang just like ur man?

winwinie yes exactly like my man

henhang then good

dolphinluver she's dancing like a stripper

qiank he's*

moomin ^^ @ yuta lol

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