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just a number (korean in italics)

"Happy birthday." Jungwoo whispered into Xuxi's ear. The younger rolled over and opened his eyes to see Jungwoo staring back with a soft smile.

"Thank you." Jungwoo threw an arm over Xuxi's body. The warm weather in the country was proving winter to be near its end. They lay there for a few minutes just staring into each other's eyes, completely closing out the surrounding world. That is until Xuxi's younger brother, by two years, bursts into the room.

"Mom told me to tell you breakfast is ready so you and him need to come and eat."

"Wow, no 'happy birthday my favorite and only older brother?' Asshole."

"Oh, I forgot that's why you're here. Happy birthday or whatever."

"Thanks, kid. Now get out, we'll be down in a minute." His brother leaves the room with a slight slam of the door. Lucas sighs.

"Your brother is fun."

"No, not really. Come on, I don't feel like getting yelled at on my birthday." Xuxi sat up and pulled Jungwoo with him. They held hands as Xuxi led them to the dining room that had basic breakfast on it. Xuxi's parents and sibling were sitting at the table along with his dog that had ran up to the two on sight.

"Happy birthday, Yukhei." His mother and father said to him. Jungwoo wanted to ask why they used Yukhei instead of Xuxi but he didn't because either or they're both his name.

"Thank you. I'm getting tired of saying that." He sat in his seat after he finally let go of Jungwoo's hand whom sat beside him.

"Are you comfortable speaking Mandarin?" Xuxi's father asked Jungwoo.

"I'm comfortable, but I'm not completely fluent so I may get thrown off by some words." The boy smiled shyly.

"Dad. We just sat down."

"Yukhei, all I did was ask a question."

"Your questions for people we have ever even been friends with lead to more and more questions, dad." His younger brother added.

"This is unfair. I asked his one thing."

"How about we don't talk and just eat." His mother said sternly. That was enough to make all the men quiet and silently eat. Breakfast ending quickly and Jungwoo could see where his boyfriend got his appetite. He himself, was the last one eating and gave up when me still had a little less than half the bowl left. Xuxi ate that in under two minutes and they all ventured into the family room.

"What're we doing?" Jungwoo whispered into Xuxi's ear.

"Watching the news for five minutes. Then we go to my friend's house." He replied. Jungwoo continued silently and sat beside  Xuxi again.

The news went on about how the weather would be warm all week with the coldest being fifty six degrees Fahrenheit and how construction of a new restaurant was going. Xuxi tapped Jungwoo's shoulder and led him back to his room.

"Get dressed so we can leave." Xuxi said after he closed the door. Both change out of the pyjamas they're wearing and into day clothes. Xuxi grabs his keys and wallet off of his dresser and slips his phone into his back pocket, Jungwoo doing the same with his own phone except he doesn't believe in back pockets so he slips his into his front pocket.

They walk a short walk down the street to Xuxi's friend's house. It's at the end of the same street he lives on so it isn't long. They reached a blue house with green shrubbery surrounding it and Xuxi knocked on the door a few times. A considerably short girl, compared to both of them and in general answered the door. She has dark brown shoulder length hair with a few snap hair clips in and is wearing black shorts, an oversized red hoodie and black thigh highs.

"Happy birthday, muscle pig." She stepped out the front door to hug her childhood friend but what Jungwoo found cute was how see was hardly above Xuxi's waist.

"Thanks. Step back pipsqueak. I want you to meet someone." The girl immediately let go and punched the other in his stomach causing him to double over in pain. Small people are the strongest sometimes.

"Hi, you must be Jungwoo. I'm Ahin. Sushi has told me so, so much about you. More than I really needed to know. Please come in." She poked the still groaning and in pain boy. She moved out of their way and let them in. She annoyedly pulled Xuxi when he took too long to get through the threshold.

"My sisters boyfriend's half brother's cousin is here. She's pretty quiet though, I wouldn't worry about her. Tzuyu, I have people over!" They walk into the living room and see a terrifying sight.

"I- is she dead?" Jungwoo stuttered out. Xuxi's didmd even feel the pain he was in anymore.

"No. She's still tan as ever. She sleeps with her eyes open. Its to be more aware or some bull like that." Ahin says while rolling her eyes. They continue through the house until four seconds later they arrive at the staircase.

"We can stay down here or we can go to my room."

"Your room. She's creepy."


"Her eyes are fucking huge."

"So are your yours." Jungwoo plucked the boy.

"I wasn't asleep, asshole." The two boys turn around at the speed of light and scream.

"Your 'people; are weird and ignorant." She says to Ahin then pushes pass them all to kitchen.

"I am not ignorant. Of all the things I've been called, I have never been called ignorant."

"I seriously wonder why not." The girl says without even looking at him and continues drinking her glass of water.

"Such a bitch."

"I could say the same to you." She smiled and shrugged. Xuxi pushed Jungwoo up the steps before anything escalated further. Ahin giggled when she sat on her bed.

"That was great."

"How in the hell was I supposed to know that she speaks Korean?"

"She lives in Korea. She's just visiting her brother." Jungwoo's jaw dropped but he shook it off. He wouldn't run into her when they went back.

"So why are we here? Not to be rude." He asked Xuxi.

"No reason. I just wanted you and Ahin to meet. She's Korean too boy the way."

"Yeah, but I don't look it!" She whined. Xuxi pulled her off the bed and threw himself on it. She was about to hit him but decided against it.

"So how does it feel? Being twenty and all." She asks.

"Just a number. Doesn't change much anyway. You can ask yourself that in September." He says.

The day is spent lounging in the room, eventually allowing Tzuyu to join since she's bored all day. They order in and eat upstairs which is forbidden by Ahin's parents, but whose to stop them if they aren't there? Jungwoo even got Tzuyu's number so thy could meet up sometime back in Korea. Five after twelve, Xuxi and Jungwoo are walking down the street back to Xuxi's house because of his mother asking him to come home where there is a cake with candles lit waiting. They singing happy birthday and indulge in chocolate cake, except Xuxi, he takes a small nibble of Jungwoo's slice and remembers why he hates sweet thing so much. The boyfriends go up the Xuxi's room and prepare for a shower together because it saves water, right? They shower, and shower only, before getting in pyjamas and sliding neath the sheets. Its too hot for comforters.

"Thanks for coming with me. It really means a lot."

"Of course. It's your birthday. If you wanted to come to China so I could meet your family then I'm here."

"You're so sweet."

"You keep speaking Korean?"

"Habit at this point."

"I see. Goodnight, birthday boy."

"That was yesterday. But thanks. Goodnight, my Jungwoo." Jungwoo felt a warm blush spread across his face and he woke up like that too.

it's uh late. i had no idea what to write. here. i uh. enjoy?

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