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❤️ 💬 ✈️Liked by count2ten, maknaeontop, evry1zmom, osakaprince, qiank and 1,494,628 others

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❤️ 💬 ✈️
Liked by count2ten, maknaeontop, evry1zmom, osakaprince, qiank and 1,494,628 others

mericanboi we're doing a live in ten minutes with our fan accs 🤪🤪

View 1,274,825 comments
taeil.moon @maknaeontop its ok when he uses them too????
snoopy im not even halfway to the dorms yet wym ten minutes i live twenty minutes awayyyyyyy
heychan yeehaw bitches let's get crazy on this one men🤠🤪🤪
henhang too bad i won't be there @heychan you already know how i am
dolphinluver welp,, this is how i end
maknaeontop @taeil.moon yeeT hyung you could never pull it off even the second oldest nasty could

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