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the complainer

There are two things about packing that the members of NCT hate:
It takes too long.
Jung Yoonoh-Jaehyun-Jeffrey.

Lucky for most, Jeffrey force Johnny into packing with him this time so they were spared. Spared from what? The complaining. All he ever did was complain and complain over and over again about simple things such as the size of the bag everything is going into, colors not matching, and even who gets what bag. There has been countless occasions where they've had to switch bags with someone else because Jeffrey felt as though it didn't fit their concept of the day.

Currently in his shared room with Doyoung, he was packing silently [read: he was packing and complaining] while Johnny laid on Doyoung's bed with a pillow over his face.

"What colours should I wear with this?" Jeffrey asked as he held up a pair of purple pants. Johnny silently groaned and took the pillow off of his face.


"That's so basic. Do you have a gray shirt?" Jeffrey frowned.

"Yeah, but it'd be huge on you."

"I could tuck it in."

"People would think you're gay."

"I am gay. We are gay." Jeffrey rolled his eyes. He neatly folded the pants and placed them in the luggage bag. He walked out the room and shortly returned with Johnny's gray shirt folded then put that in the bag too.

"You know John, you should let me pack your bag. It'll be neat and your mom would love to see it."

"She knows how you pack."

"What shoes would go with the purple and gray? I was thinking gray shoes."

"Sounds great."

"Really? Are you sure? Wouldn't black be a good choice?"


"You're not even listening to me!"

"I know."

"Blue would be too expected... How about- no, pink doesn't match this. Teal? No teal is ugly."

"Just passing by but you sound like one if those gay Italian guys off TV." Donghyuk said as he made his way to the end of the hall where his room is.

"Kids. I don't like these tog- oh perf! I'm done. Lets go pack you-"

"No! I got it." Johnny hopped off the bed and ran straight to his room. He ran in his room shared with Yuta and slammed the door. Poor Yuta was just so close to falling asleep.

"Why the fuck?"

"Jeffery." Yuta sat up.

"Twist the knob." He wanted to make sure that Jeffrey would never ever get into the room. No one likes a complainer.

Johnny made his way to his bed and sat down by his bags. He had almost finished packing the night before, but he still had to put his shoes in a bag. He went into the living room and saw a crying Yukhei in Doyoung's arms and decided against asking.

"Do you have a bag I can use for my shoes?"

"Under my bed." Johnny left the two again and went back into the room Jeffrey was in. He was typing on his phone and mumbling complaints as to why he should get a new one.

"I'll go back with you and check your stuff." Johnny squeezed his eyes shut as he reached under the bed for the bag and whispered,

"Dear God, please help me."

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