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jaecrippled & netfelix

netfelix did you talk to him yet?

jaecrippled yes oof

netfelix results?

jaecrippled he would go to taeyong hyungs apartment with chenle tmr and ill happen to be there with mark

netfelix outstanding!

jaecrippled do you do that a lot

netfelix do what?

jaecrippled you use big words like amazing or outstanding,,, yesterday in that gc i made i said hello or sum and you said salutations.......

netfelix oh well then yes i do that a lot

jaecrippled oof ok

netfelix so i was sitting there

jaecrippled barbecue sauce on my titties

netfelix i see that you stan vine

jaecrippled yes yes yes

netfelix this is the bloom of a beautiful friendship

jaecrippled what year are you????

netfelix oh yes i am '00

jaecrippled okokok then it is a friendship so am i

netfelix excellent for i must go now my boyfriend is needy

jaecrippled wow did not need to know that

netfelix oh OH MENSJS i didn't mean it like that he needs help beating our jisung in wii games

jaecrippled oof ok bye felix

netfelix see you around jaemin

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