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sexy boiz

xuxi.sushi added shaodj, taesmiles, osakaprince, jaecrippled and 5 others to the chat

xuxi.sushi ok boiz meet my pal dejun from china

shaodj Hello.

moomin ayo dat manz is proper

maknaeontop ikr das nasty

taesmiles omg the spanish again

count2ten taeyong... it's NOT SPANISH FOR THE LAST TIME

qiank go off sis

osakaprince hi dejun,, sorry about them they're ignorant

jaecrippled /offended/

shaodj Oh, don't worry. That's perfectly fine with me. Seems like you all have a great friendship.

jaefreed bitch he used proper grammar with full sentences and respekt

heychan im scared

moomin hi im renjun,, im from china too

shaodj Hello... Is my using proper grammar and full sentences bothering you all?

qiank sis doesn't even say y'all

taesmiles be nice kun,,, dejun we just never use grammar

xuxi.sushi they'll warm up to you dude

shaodj I hope so.

moomin he even uses grammar is chinese jdjxjsks

jaefreed im yoonoh

taesmiles taeyong

maknaeontop jisung the queen

jaecrippled jaemin

heychan haechan

osakaprince im yuta and that shits name is donghyuk ^^

count2ten sis im ten,, not the age the number it's easier to say than my actual name so don't ask bc im not telling yeeT

jaefreed red velvet please skeeee

moomin oh snap sis broke squeeee

count2ten you gay new bro???? we be the very gay here

shaodj Uhm, I am bicurious.

xuxi.sushi woah wait frfr?? i always assumed you were gay bc you're always all up on kunhang

shaodj Ah.... He is just a close friend.

count2ten "...." just a close friend mi culo

taesmiles what

count2ten that my friend,, is spanish for my ass

taesmiles yikes

heychan unsilenced

moomin bitch we aren't doing this

heychan sis you tryna fight?? im sick of you

maknaeontop ladies ladies calm the fuck down

osakaprince that escalated quickly

jaecrippled /inactive bc my phone screen is so cracked i had to tape on it so my fingers aren't bloody/

qiank makes sense

shaodj It's not that, I have to go meet up with Kunhang and YangYang but I don't want notifications to keep interrupting.

moomin mute the chat don't leave

shaodj I see.

qiank dejun is leaving say bye

heychan bye rando

jaefreed bi bi

osakaprince don't type anything else for the next seven hours or ill kill you

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