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Mark walked down the hall of his apartment building looking for room '24'. He was room '30', the room on the end of the hall. He only said that the trip would be three minutes because he's a child. It would naturally be thirty seconds at the most. He finally reached the room and excitedly knocked on the door. The door swung open revealing a boy slightly shorter than Mark with pale skin, light brown hair, and a nice smile.

"And you must be Mark, no?"

"Yes, that is me, Hyung." Taeyong smiled and let the younger into the room. Mark looked around the living room, posters of NCT were taped up around the room, going into the kitchen area.

"Wow, I knew you liked NCT, but this is... Wow." Mark was at a lost for words. He had no idea what to say. He himself has NCT posters, but definitely way more Haechan posters and photo cards around his place.

"This is just the NCT section. I have at least forty Jaehyun's alone. And the photo cards!" Taeyong was excited to show someone other than his best friends his Jaehyun collection. People thought he was weird because he was a guy obsessing over another guy. Even if they knew he was gay.

Mark and Taeyong spent the day looking at pictures of their favorite music group and took a bunch of pictures together. At around seven Sicheng and Taeil had arrived unannounced and met Mark. Turns out Sicheng liked Mark, but because he had spent the whole day with Taeyong he was pretty noisy. Taeyong had his best friends take pictures of him and Mark in his favorite parts of the apartment. When it was around nine Mark announced that he would be leaving and Taeil told him he was welcome to join their sleepover but he politely declined and left. The sleepover began and it was nothing unusual, they ate, talked about their celebrity crushes, who in real live were their actual crushes, bathed and went to bed.


"Doyoung Hyung, he's so pretty. I really want to meet him." Jaehyun sighed dreamily as he lay on his friend's bed.

"Text him and ask to meet up. Simple solution." Doyoung rolled his eyes. He loved Jaehyun but sometimes, he thought his friend might be brain dead.

"It's not that easy, Hyung."

"It really is."

"So then let's see you do it with Taeil." Jaehyun's comment caused Doyoung to choke on his saliva. Jaehyun smirked at his friend. He knew Doyoung had a thing for Taeil, he could see it, every time Taeil posted something, he'd like it and blush. When Doyoung posted something and Taeil liked it or commented, he'd blush. When Taeyong had posted that picture with Taeil in it, he screen shotted it and blushed. Even when it's a casual conversation in the group chat, Taeil says something, Doyoung would blush. He blushed a lot.

"Yah, don't say things like that. I'll set up a lunch date. You, me, Yuta, Taeyong, Taeil, and Sicheng." Jaehyun's eyes widened.

"No! I have nothing to wear! I need to go shopping!" He said as he or off the bed and went straight to the shower. Doyoung smiled as he created a new group chat with everyone but Jaehyun and set up a secret meeting with all of them. He hit send and smiled as he laid back on his bed and closed his eyes.

Jaehyun came out of the shower, got dressed, shouted a bye to Doyoung and ran into the living room.

"Why the hell are you running around? Gonna meet Taeyong?" Donghyuk smirks to the older. Jaehyun wears a fake smile and puts up his middle finger to the kid.

"So offended." He sassed back. Donghyuk was pretty much the youngest, but now that's he's met Jisung, someone finally younger than him,  he doesn't believe he's the youngest.

"Yoonoh, why are you running in the dorm?" Kun asked as Jaehyun ran passed the kitchen.

"Meeting with Taeyong tomorrow. Gotta go buy new clothes." And he was out the dorms and down the street in a second. As he made it to his favorite clothing shop, he noticed a face that looked strangely familiar. He couldn't match a name with the boys face though. And then it hit him.

"Sicheng, is that you?" The boy looked at Jaehyun then smiled. He walked over and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"I work here. Jungwoo, and Ten too." He says. Jaehyun didn't expect his voice to be as deep as it is.

"Oh, that's cool. Well I need your help... You're one of Taeyong's best friends so I need you to help me dress to impress." Jaehyun smiled, his dimples poking out.

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