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listen to that, it's what chapter be about for the beginning ((:

nct & accs

count2ten sisters !!!! little mix's new song strip is everything !!!!!!

gnaygnay stan little mix. they don't have to be kpop. now👏🏻just👏🏼stan👏🏽little👏🏾mix👏🏿

osakaprince we love a queen whose about equality

gnaygnay so why are you under sm if you're for equality father?

mericanboi burn

gnaygnay same to you, hyung.

winwinie oof

count2ten sisters focus !! go listen to the song,, uhh put captions on if you don't speak english

— fifteen minutes later—

qiank wow, art

taesmiles if only i was a hetero fuck

taeil.moon ahh yes high school, full of hetero fucks, homo shits and everything in between


jaecrippled omg those girls are so pretty and the song was so right ahhh ! im not wearing makeup to school tmr

canadabxch ^thats a lie,, song goes hard tho

jaecrippled yeah that was a lie im wearing makeup lol

purebunny good song

shaodj It was empowering for females to love the body that they have. All in all, I think it was a great idea.

jungwoo.snoopy i do have little boobs😯

winwinie uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

henhang whose gonna tell him

xuxi.sushi /sIGh/ ill do it

henhang good luck soldier

xuxi.sushi hey uh junguwu

jungwoo.snoopy ahh xuxi! should i get a push up bra?

purebunny jandkfjd no please don't

xuxi.sushi oh boi,, jungwoo you don't have boobs ofkdkajjskkao

taesmiles this is heartbreaking it's like i can just hear him crying

count2ten i mean,, he's right beside you crying sooooo

jungwoo.snoopy i donmt habe boovs???


xuxi.sushi i mean uh you do but they're really small?

jungwoo.snoopy oh good i got scared for a sec

winwinie you shouldn't have done that man

jungwoo.snoopy im going bra shopping anyone want to go?

dolphinluver where at tho

jungwoo.snoopy victoria's secret ofc

jaecrippled chenle and i are otw

heychan oh bitch ill meet you there

count2ten oooh ill go

gnaygnay i... i wanna go...

count2ten uwu send your address ill pick you up

gnaygnay [address here lol]

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