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luwoo(nothing to do with after the live)

"Jungwoo Hyung, can I ask you something?" Xuxi asked looking to the older.

"Of course you can."

"How did you meet Ten and Taeyong and all of them?" The two were currently at Jungwoo's apartment in his room eating instant noodles. Cliche, right? Jungwoo is sat on his own bed while the Chinese boy is in his desk chair adjacent to the bed.

"I met Sicheng in my first year of high school. We had two classes together. I don't want to tell you our little dating story because it's the worse and I never want to think about it again. Anyways, through him I met everyone else. He made me sit with him and his friends at lunch, this friends being Taeyong and Ten. There were a few others but they aren't important. Taeyong introduced us all to Taeil at once. He was a senior at the time but we still made it work even after he left. That's really it."

"How did you and Ten become best friends?"

"He constantly found me and Sicheng in empty hallways and classrooms while we were dating. I prefer to not talk about what we were doing, but Ten just wanted to look out for me. Sicheng was a supposed player, but that was just a rumour." Jungwoo knew that didn't really explain how they became best friends but he didn't want to also go over the fact that he dated Ten for a short time.

It was his shortest relationship ever! It was only a year long!

"I see..." Xuxi trailed off. They finished their noodles in quiet but right after Jungwoo had a question for him.

"How did you know you wanted to do this? Be in a boy group? Sing and rap and stuff."

"I didn't. I wanted to model. But hey, you know my luck, my agent heard me rapping to Mark's part in Girls girls girls. Then he was like 'you're gonna go into training and debut with NCT.' I wasn't complaining because hey, a bunch of hot dudes living together is a dream." Xuxi had removed himself from the desk chair and flopped on the bed by the other. Jungwoo let's his body fall back on the bed beside the younger.

"I love spending time with you, Hyung." Xuxi said looking Jungwoo in his eyes. Jungwoo's heart began to beat at an irregular speed and he prayed the other couldn't hear because it was silent in the room. The two laid in silence while staring into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Jungwoo Hyung, can I kiss you?" Xuxi tucked a piece of the now caramel brown hair behind the others ear. Jungwoo's heart rate picked up again but he still wanted it so he whispered a small yes.

Xuxi leaned in and connected their lips. For a split second, Jungwoo was unresponsive but he quickly kissed back with just as much pressure Xuxi did. It was slow and soft and there were many feelings behind it from both males. Xuxi let his hands travel to Jungwoo's sides and pulled him atop of his body. Jungwoo brought his hands up to tangle with the hair on Xuxi's head and he used it to keep the other's head steady. They were pressed together trying to get closer to each other than ever before. Jungwoo had a sudden craving for more skin on skin contact though.

"Off..." He mumbled as his hands went down to the bottom of Xuxi's shirt and he pulled it off of him. Their lips disconnected from each other's for a second when the removal of Xuxi's shirt happened but Jungwoo was quick to dive back in. Well, he tried to.

"No, you too." Xuxi tugged Jungwoo's shirt off of him then connected their lips again.

Clothes spread on the floor around the room, moans bouncing off the walls, bed sheets that were once blue now covered in white, and two breathless bodies in the middle of it all.

The two had met up at noon and it was now two twenty four. In the morning. They didn't go fourteen hours straight like it seems. They did try to take breaks in between but it was hard considering they'd stop but still be so close to each and start over again.

Over stimulation was something neither had to worry about as both had not reached that point yet. It was astonishing as to how neither had reached a point of where they couldn't go anymore. They finally reached a silent agreement to stop having continuous sex for the day.

Jungwoo was sprawled across the taller's body with his fingers threading through the short hair. Xuxi has his hands wrapped around the others waist and was hugging him to keep him close. They needed a shower. Maybe even two, but nobody wanted to get up from being comfortable in what was once clean enough to call a bedroom.

After many, many, years of being friends with Taeyong, you pick up on his habits. His OCD being the one Jungwoo slightly picked up on. Jungwoo has his eyes closed and when he opened them he tilted his head just a little and saw the mess.

"Xuxi, we need to clean up. I don't want to fall asleep and wake up to this." Jungwoo said while slowly separating their bodies. Xuxi groaned after hearing words that destroyed his dreams of getting sleep. When Jungwoo was completely off the bed and Xuxi could hear shuffling around the room it was only then did he open his eyes.

"Your sheets need to be washed... Sorry." He says. He gets off the bed still fully naked and gathers the sheets and comforter on the bed.

"Do you think you might have something relatively close to my size?" Xuxi says as he sees the clothes he came in seemed to have gotten messy. Jungwoo rushes over to his closet, he too still naked, and looks for two of his over sized shirts and two pairs of underwear.

"Uh, I have these... Don't ask why. Let's go shower." He says handing over the clothes. They go into the bathroom that's connected to Jungwoo's room and he turns the shower on then points out shampoos, conditioners, and body washes to the other.

They bathe quick and silently. They did wash each other's backs and Xuxi washed Jungwoo's hair for him. They got out in silence and got dressed in silence. When they finished cleaning Jungwoo's room it was around five in the morning. They could both really just use some sleep and that's why they were laying under the covers right now while staring into each other's eyes.

"Hyung, you know I love you, right?"

"Of course I do. You know I love you too, right?"

"Yes... Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did but go on."

"Can you be my boyfriend?"

"Do you want an honest answer?"


"I've been waiting for that question for a long time now. Yes, I can be your boyfriend."

"Will you?"

"Yes, I will."

"Goodnight, Jungwoo Hyung."

"Goodnight, Xuxi." And both drifted into a sleep. When they awoke it was one in the afternoon but they found themselves tangled together with smiles on their faces.

im three hours late but i fell asleep and then i had to clean and do homework.. this also wasn't finished so i had to keep writing. sorry if there are grammar and spelling mistakes. enjoy bois.

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