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"Holy shit, Taeil! He knows I'm a man, and he put smirking emojis! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Taeyong screamed at one of his two best friends. The other sat on his couch scrolling through all of Yuta's social media accounts.

"He's gay, Taeyong. You know this, everyone knows this. He's in a band full of homosexual people. Of course he'll be interested in the fact that you're a guy." Sicheng, his other best friend said rolling his eyes. Taeyong was currently having a heart attack over the fact that one, Renjun liked his post, two Doyoung and Lucas commented on his post, and three, Jung Yoonoh, Jaehyun, Taeyong's favorite fucking singer, commented on his photo.

Taeyong fell back onto his bed, with a loud sigh of content. Taeil lifted Sicheng's legs from their space on the couch to sit and rested them on his lap. Taeyong was still on his bed staring at the two comments Jaehyun left on his post. Taeil smiled at his friend and looked at Doyoung's Instagram page.

"Renjun wants me to post myself.. Should I? Wait, what if I do and Jaehyun doesn't like it? I-"

"Shut up Taeyong, we are not going to have this conversation again. You are not ugly, you're hot." Sicheng said while switching positions so that his head was now in Taeil's lap.

"I agree with this kid, you have strong visuals." Taeil said looking over to Taeyong. Taeyong rolled on his side to face his two friends.

"Of course you guys would say that! You're my best friends, it's what you do." He groaned. Taeil sighed and looked at Sicheng. They shared knowing glances, speaking to each other through their minds. Sicheng got off of Taeil and the couch and put his shoes on, Taeil following suit.

"Where are you guys going? How could you just leave me at a time like this?" Taeyong asked sitting up.

"We, the three of us, are going shopping. We know how you are when you're in denial of you're amazing face." The moment Taeyong heard shopping he was getting his shoes on and ready to go.


On the other side of Seoul, they had the dorms for the members of NCT. Kun sprawled across the floor, Johnny eating cereal in the kitchen, Donghyuk playing fortnite with Jeno in the room he shared room with Kun, Doyoung sitting on the couch, Lucas and Renjun watching some show in Mandarin, Yuta napping in his bed, and Jaehyun going through that fan account trying to find a picture of the male running it. He's even gone through the other two accounts that commented about knowing the the owner.

"I can't fucking find his face!" Jaehyun groans out loud dropping his phone into his lap, and shoving his face in his hands. Doyoung laughed at his friends misfortune.

"Of course you can't, you're going through fan accounts. They post pictures of the idol, not themselves. Try finding a personal account." Doyoung said, eyes closed as he tried to fall asleep again. Jaehyun let out the biggest, most exaggerated gasp ever. He pulled his head from his hands and picked up his phone, looking into who his fan account is following.

"Doyoung, you're a fucking genius! Have I ever mentioned how much I love you? Well, I love you." Jaehyun smiled as he clicked on each account that was followed. But then a thought came to him.

"How do I know if it's his account though?" Doyoung groaned when he realized he won't be able to take a nap because, once Jaehyun starts, he never stops. Not until he gets what he wants anyways.

"Damn it Yoonoh, how the hell would I know?! Shit, see if some of the other accounts that know him follow one of his following." Doyoung half yelled, he was honestly so tired from the busy schedule he had. They just finished their Asia Tour and he was looking forward to not having to record or perform a song for the next two months they had off.

"Sorry for bothering you, Hyung. I'm just so lonely. I need a loving boyfriend." Jaehyun said laying in between Doyoung's legs. No one on their group is together, but because they're an openly gay group, who all enjoy skinship, no one can really tell if someone's in a relationship. Most fans say that they're just doing it for fan service, but in actuality they do it without people or cameras watching.

"What did I miss, I heard yelling." Donghyuk said walking into the room.

"Always looking for drama. Why can't you come see us because you care?" Johnny sighs walking out of the kitchen.

"Me, care? Of course I care about you guys, I just like drama more." He smiled. Johnny sighed again. Donghyuk plopped on the floor between Lucas and Renjun.

"So what are we watching?"

"Something you can't understand."

"That didn't answer my question."

"Melody of Youth. Happy?" Renjun asked in annoyance.

"Oh! I heard there was a really cute actor there.. Yang Yang, right?" Donghyuk asked excitedly.

"How do you even know who he is?" Johnny questioned.

"My Chinese friends were talking about it."

"What Chinese friends?" Lucas questioned.

"You and Renjun." Donghyuk answered in a duh tone of voice.

"Oh." Lucas blushed.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to get some fucking sleep." Yuta growled walking out of his room.

"Johnny, calm your friend." Kun said, still sprawled across the floor staring at the ceiling, secretly listening to the show that was playing. He had finished the episode so he didn't need to see it again. Johnny walked over to Yuta and told him calming things like, 'It's okay, they're just asswipes.' And 'I'll get you some sushi later.' Yuta nodded yawning and walked back into his room. Johnny sighed once more as it was something he did way more than he wanted to do.

"I'm gonna go get some sushi with my money, great. Anyone want something while I'm out?"

"A man."

"Oh yes, make sure he's cute though!"

"And make sure you bring a separate man for all of us. I don't share." Johnny looked at all of his friends and how serious their faces were. He sighed once again before walking out the front door.

"He's not gonna bring a human home.. Call him and say we want sushi too or we don't eat." Doyoung sighed.

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