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mom (japanese & other in italics)

Yuta and Sicheng were doing something. Something was really nothing but whenever they got a call or text they said they were doing something. It was getting boring, doing something I mean. Now they were just at Sicheng's apartment, the same one that Taeyong and Yanan raided back on Christmas night, sit on Sicheng's bed just laying there staring at the ceiling. Yuta's phone rung again and he answered it as if he was programmed.


"Yuta? You sound dead. Are you okay?"

"Hi, mom. I'm fine. Why are you calling?"

"I want to meet your boyfriend." Blunt. Yuta sat up quickly. He really listened to the background sounds closely. Voices, but they were all speaking at the same time so he couldn't understand any one conversation. He knew his mother well.

"Mom, where are you?"

"A block away from your dorm, are you not there?"

"No, I'm at Sicheng's apartment." Sicheng picked up his name in the ray of Japanese his boyfriend was spitting out.

"Aw. Send me the address, I'll walk there."

"No, just go to the dorms. Johnny's boyfriend should be there. He and Johnny can walk you here." His mother didn't say anything for a moment and it was the background noises that could be heard.

"Okay. Will anyone else be there? I don't want to ask the wrong person."

"You can ask Xuxi if you someone else is there. His Japanese is proficient."

"Okay. Thank you, Yuta."

"Yup. Bye, mom. See you when you get here." He hung up. What a lovely day it was, doing nothing, absolutely nothing but staring at a ceiling and telling anyone who called he was doing something then hanging up.

"Everything okay?" Sicheng asked breaking Yuta from his thoughts. He let his body fall back on the bed and cuddled into the younger.

"Yeah... I have a question?"

"What is it?" Yuta hesitates for a second before asking.

"How do you feel about meeting my mom?" Sicheng cringed on the inside. He had a hunch about where this was going.

"I'm fine with it. You met a terrible amount of my family. I don't think it's too much to meet her. Besides, you always say how handsome she thinks I am." He threw in the little joke to lighten Yuta's mood.

"That's great. She's coming over now by the way." Sicheng figures that's what was happening but hearing still made him nervous. He rolled out of bed and rushed into his bathroom. Yuta still later there and let it all play out until Sicheng would come back to his senses. He heard the water run from the shower head and the faintest sound of clothes being violently thrown onto the floor.

About five minutes later, Sicheng came back in the room with a towel around his waist. His hair was wet along with the rest of him. He nearly slipped a few times with all the water he trailed in. Yuta sighed and got up. He went in the linen closet located in the hallway and grabbed a towel to clean the water up. He went back in Sicheng's room and dropped towel on the floor. He tried to clean the water by just squatting but it was proven uncomfortable so he just got his hands and knees as if he were a toddler crawling around to wipe the water.

"I like you on your knees." Sicheng said, suddenly appearing behind him getting a front row view. Yuta scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Suck my dick."

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