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double(?) date (babysitting)

"Chenle, I am royally pissed that I have to babysit you and your boyfriend on your date because your mother doesn't trust you two enough to be ethical in public." Was the first thing Mark said when Chenle opened the front door.

"Bye, mom, Mark Hyung is here!" Chenle closed the front door not forgetting to check if its locked properly, "Sorry, Hyung. I have no idea what eth- erical? emic- that word. I never learned it."

"In that case, Chenle, I am royally pissed that I have to babysit you and your boyfriend on your date because your mother doesn't trust you two enough to behave correctly in public."

"Oh, why didn't you just say that at first? You know I don't get bug words and shit." Mark groaned and walked farther ahead towards the elevator. Chenle laughed and followed closely behind him. Walking down the street and an extra two blocks wasn't long to get to the infamous NCT dorms. Chenle wasted no time running up to the doors and banging on them like some maniac and of course Mark had to smack the back if his head and pull him away.

"You are literally unbelievable." He sighed. He was happy when he woke up. Reason being, his boyfriend sent him a cute text which was rare. Then an hour later Chenle's mom called asking if Mark could supervise her son's date. Mark politely accepted and asked his boyfriend if he wanted to double date, he of course said yes so Mark wouldn't be completely alone with two hormonal teenagers.

The door opened revealing a wild angry looking Yuta and the first thing Chenle did was push past him and run around inside looking for Doyoung, his only chance of safety. Yuta, obviously chased the kid around until he actually found Doyoung conversing with Kun in Renjun's room. Strange considering both of them have their own rooms.

"DOYOUNG HYUNG SAVE ME!" He jumped onto the man and frantically wrapped all of his limbs around him. Mark, being the ethical one of the two, closed the front door of the place he didn't even live in, and quietly found his boyfriend in his own room and started up a conversation.

"What'd you do this time?"

"Oi, that was me at the door."

"Figured. He was having a really good dream too. You're on your own kid." Doyoung peeled Chenle off of him and went back to talking to Kun. Chenle frowned and moved across from Doyoung and sprawled himself over Kun.

"Oh, my dearest, most favoritest-"

"Not saving you. And favoritest is not a word." Kun responded without even sparing him a glance. Chenle was about to speak up but screeched instead whenYuta cane in the room and removed him from Kun and carried the screaming boy away.

"RENJUN! SAVE MEEEEE!" Chenle screamed. Poor everyone. Not just the people in this dorm room, but the entire building and all the other SM artists that live there. Suddenly a Yuta height boy appeared in front of the two.

"Leave my boyfriend alone regardless of what he did to you, or I cut your dick off and shove it in your belly button."

"God, Renjun! I fucking felt that. Here take the kid, I don't really care." Yuta dropped Chenle who caught himself with his feet and walked off to take a nap.

"Hi, Junnie. Sorry you had ti deal with that. Doyoung wouldn't help me for some reason."Chenle said to his boyfriend.

"Oh, its fine. Lets get Mark and Hyuk so we can get to that movie." Renjun suggested and of course Chenle had agreed. They found the two talking aimlessly about how carpets and rugs were completely different and people needed to understand that, bu their conversation got cut off when Chenle interrupted them saying the he and Renjun were ready to go.

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